Disgraceful Saudi Arabians!

Saudi Arabia came into being in 1744, their religion is based on the Sunni branch of Islam but it is by far and by no means the Sunnism that the world is accustomed to and is aware of, it is "Wahabism" a very fascistic sect of Islam founded by a cleric around the same period this country was established. Some say although not proven ! this Wahabistic branch of Sunnism was generated and injected into the Sunni branch of Islam by the, then British colonialists in order to create a rift amongst the Islamic counties to weaken and instigate revolts in the Ottoman empire, whatever the case, the Saudis have a completely different mindset than the rest of the Islamic world. Their economic structure is a welfare state, nothing more and nothing less,one can destroy their economy(and I mean completely destroy) by destroying 14 specific Oil fields. The money that flows into this country due to the Oil revenue has caused unadulterated gluttony, as a result of which a general national beha...