
Showing posts from 2008

Disgraceful Saudi Arabians!

Saudi Arabia came into being in 1744, their religion is based on the Sunni branch of Islam but it is by far and by no means the Sunnism that the world is accustomed to and is aware of, it is "Wahabism" a very fascistic sect of Islam founded by a cleric around the same period this country was established. Some say although not proven ! this Wahabistic branch of Sunnism was generated and injected into the Sunni branch of Islam by the, then British colonialists in order to create a rift amongst the Islamic counties to weaken and instigate revolts in the Ottoman empire, whatever the case, the Saudis have a completely different mindset than the rest of the Islamic world. Their economic structure is a welfare state, nothing more and nothing less,one can destroy their economy(and I mean completely destroy) by destroying 14 specific Oil fields. The money that flows into this country due to the Oil revenue has caused unadulterated gluttony, as a result of which a general national beha...

War criminal

Dick Chenney is no stranger to anyone, wherever there is a war, or an assassination or even an attempt at it, you can be certain Dick Chenney has a hand in it. History shall be a judge of it and condemn the humanity of today for not pursuing such elements as Dick Chenney and placing him and the likes of him above the law, the interview embedded underneath is yet another proof of his involvements in torture. Remember,"Water Boarding" is a cruel practice that was used by the Japanese in WW2, and Japanese soldiers who used them were tried by the US and convicted of war crimes. In case you have no interest in watching the clip,,, here is exactly what he says ; “I was aware of the program, certainly, and involved in helping get the process cleared, as the agency in effect came in and wanted to know what they could and couldn’t do,“ Chenney said. “And they talked to me, as well as others, to explain what they wanted to do. And I supported it.“

Everlasting farewell kiss

Very seldom does one see a gesture of selfless bravery amongst the reporters of this world, I remember Rosemary Church of the CNN pressuring the Israeli spokeswoman during the Lebanon war in 2006 as a memorable moment, and may be one or two other instances by other journalists, but what "Al-Zeidi" this young Iraqi journalist did was a pathetically brilliant move, enlightening the broken hearts of millions of his countrymen and women. One important issue here is how everyone reacted, Iraq's desperate need of a national hero has just manifested itself through a shoe throwing journalist and that is a sign the Americans ought to understand how a humiliated nation actually ticks. (with a tongue in cheek everyone was amused at the shoe affair even in Europe) The USA really has to leave the region, and hope that the resentments of the peoples of their colonized countries stays as symbolic as a shoe.

Remembering Pirouz Nahavandi (Abu LouLou)

Pirouz Nahavandi was a high ranking Persian (Iranian) military commander. He was taken captive in Nahavand during the Arab invasion. He was enslaved by an Arab called " Mughira" who became the governor of the city of "Basra"(Iraq today) . Pirouz is known amongst the Arabs as "Firouz" since the Arabic language does not have the letter "P" in their alphabet, Pirouz happened to be quite a craftsman, and thus a source of income for his jailer, so it wasn't long before he made it to the Arab elite circles, namely "Omar" their leader, or as they call them Caliph. There are many stories about Pirouz Nahavandi and about what happened and what he said and not said, but fact is the Arabs always tried to write history in a manner in which they (Arabs) were seen as liberators and any attempt to resist or fight them, would be ridiculed and trivialized. One really has to put him or herself in the position of Pirouz, a proud, capable father an...

Dishonorable discharge

A few more weeks are left before this nightmare of Bush and Chenney reaches its end. Every government in America, has had a legacy to which the rest of the world orientates itself upon, and this government of Chicken hawks, who caused so much havoc,discomfort,death and chaos to the world, shall leave behind a legacy as bad as the German Third Reich where one only wishes "Never Again". Ever since Bush and Chenney took charge in the USA, they started two wars of which one was completely illegitimate and unnecessary, They de facto legalized torture and kidnapping, they created militia organizations within the United states (Black Water is just one example), they legalized assassinations calling hem targeted killings(imagine if another country would start with this uncivilized method), they practically destroyed a surplus of almost 40 billion into a 40 minus, they took over 14 million homeless and turned it into 34.5 million homeless in the USA (unbelievable but true), civil libe...

Peter Schiff said so....

Peter Schiff is a 44 year old economic analyst, the president of Euro Pacific Capital Inc. Schiff, has been a frequent guest of different TV Channel networks in the USA, most notably the Bloomberg TV , where his financial and economic predictions and in the last 3 years his warnings, earned him the nick name " Dr. Doom". Peter Schiff has been warning the economic establishment in the USA, of the irrecoverable hazards of the Bush/Chenney economic policies. Since 2006 he has been the only analyst that did see all this coming and was constantly laughed at by partisan analysts of different spectrum. Problem was, all those other analysts were blinded by politics, and so judged Peter Schiff and his predictions to have also been politically motivated, since he was an adviser of "Ron Paul". I leave a link here and look for yourself, how disrespectful and arrogant he was being treated, yet he was simply trying to tell the world how dangerous the world financial state actua...

Iran switches to Gold

Lately one kept hearing from Iran that massive amounts of currency reserves have been paid out to this official or that institution, enough to make us curious as to what exactly are they doing there !! after a bit of research online,one realizes the rational behind all these movements of capital. Iran is inconspicuously converting its financial reserves into Gold. Iran is being very secretive about this whole massive transaction, apparently this plan has been going on for the last 3 years, ever since the first set of sanctions emerged at the horizon. It is estimated Iran made $80 Billion net profit before the price plunge and hardly any of it was in dollar, it is all in Gold and are in special Banks in Asia.....There is another report that simultaneously, Iran withdrew around $75 Billion of its long term invested Money in European Banks and bought Gold reserves which were subsequently shipped to unk nown locations and financial institutions to eventually avoid and prevent any financial...

Actually Dead....

An interesting interview, a few weeks before Benazir Bhutto's assassination did bring an interesting point into the open.... one of those issues that your instinct had already hinted upon, but your rationality simply pushed it away..... Contemplating, this simply is too important of an issue for anyone to ignore or hide. Yet our instincts and intuitions usually keeps seeking that confirmation, and suddenly something comes out and you know its true.... the following clip, should be considered an appetizer, so watch carefully , specially at the Photo comparison.

Is Evil an abstract ??

Ever since humanity emerged and prevailed,the quest for the soul has been a constant preoccupation, emerging religions of the world took the place of God, thus wars started to dictate our allegiances, spiced up through race and ethnicity towards one or the other. Afterwards the talk was always of Evil and hell, but what exactly is evil, I have never seen a Damon appearing and causing havoc and genocide, no matter how hideous the crime was, it was always The human that did it, it raises the question, what is this external,independent Evil that comes and deceives us to these deeds. Could it be that Evil is actually an abstract, created by us humans to justify our rage and destructiveness, our guilt and gluttony, our greeds and envies. May be Evil is just the absence of God, as darkness is the absence of light, may be we humans are simply too childish and irresponsible to accept the guilt of our doings and created this "Evil" to brush off our own nature. May be we are in dire n...


Blackwater is a terror organization by all legal definitions available throughout the world. Blackwater USA was founded by a nut case of a christian fundamentalist, a converted Roman Catholic by the name of Eric Prince in 1997. It is no surprise that he is a member of the US Republican party. A classic protege of Dick Chenney the almost ex VP in the USA.Their Base in North Carolina is as big as a city and they are known to train, everyone and every nationality to promote certaing US foreign policies which are not sanctioned by international law. Since the election of G.W. Bush as President and Dick Chenney as VP, Blackwater has renamed itself "Blackwater Worldwide", and has started implementing Dick Chenney's muscles in certain countries and regions to accomodate Chenney's lobby affiliations. Taking a few steps aback and viewing Blackwater from a few steps away, one realizes that Blackwater is a militia organization that simply carries out terror contracts in the name...

Iran's real enemies !!

Who really are Iran's sworn enemies?? here I name a few individuals, and you make your own thoughts... 1-Chuck Robb (Charles Spittal)ex Governor, ex Senator, chairman of Iran Intelligence Commission. 2- Dan Coats (Daniel Ray Coats)ex Senator, ex US Ambassador to Germany 3- Dr. Michael Rubin a well known mad neocon of the National Review, an ex Giuliani advisor and obsessed with war on Iran. 4- Dr. Ken Katzman (Kenneth Katzman) Analyst on policy in the Persian Gulf region, a strong advocate of war on Iran. 5-John Bolton (John Robert Bolton)ex ambassador to UN, a true nut case of a neocon, a proven sexual swinger, morally decadent and unbelievably anti Iranian. 6-Dennis Ross (Dennis B. Ross) AIPAC member and chairman of the Jewish People Policy Planning Institute that includes scores of Israeli Govt. Officials. 7-Steve Radmaker (Stephen Geoffrey Rademaker) BGR Lobbyist and anti Iran extremist. 8-Kenneth Weinstein (Kenneth R. Weinstein) Chairman of the Neocon Hudson Institue and a ch...

Stop the War ........

Since Sarkozy, the French Israeli Mossad agent (since 1983) has taken charge in France, the threat of war has started to penetrate the European sphere, meaning manipulations of European companies and economic establishments to call off their Iranian business contracts, blackmailing other European countries to adopt an aggressive approach towards Iran is another aspect of agent Sarkozy...., moves which is to the disadvantage of everyone except the paranoid Israelis. The western media has demonized Iran and Iranians so much at the behest of the Rupert Murdoch establishment in the past 4 years, that once in a while one gets the impression, the west has forgotten who they are actually demonizing....

Genocidal ally .....

Ariel Scheinermann, better known under the name of Ariel Sharon was born in 1928. The west usually avoids giving their political allies any names to describe their methods, regardless of how brutal and militant they are, they simply call them "controversial" Ariel Sharon has had a never ending fascistic and militant approach to every aspect of his military and political life. To list all his brutalities and the different ways he started wars and conflicts to achieve and establish his agenda, would be a shameless glorification, since all we can read about Sharon's doings is the filtered and embellished official versions of the events, very much like Hitler having won WW2 and thus writing history. His genocidal career, started in 1948 with the Suez Crisis, were he lost a testicle and half his penis, fighting The Jordanian Arab Legion in the battle of Latrun. This injury kick started a revenge-spree, that brought Sharon into the "Unit 101" as a Major .This Uni...

Don't Vote !!!!

I hope you people out there, barking about wanting change, do know you have to register first, and time is runing out on you should you not have registered to vote.... If you don't register, you have no right to vote, therefore no power to "Change"

The Daily Show

Jon Stewart’s Daily Show is gaining more and more popularity. Fox, CNN and other news networks are losing dramatically, especially, young viewers to the Daily Show’s mix of topical news, humor and the willingness to criticize just about any one. Reasons enought to celebrate and Comedy Central has done the only sensible thing. The Daily Show Archives.... They have thrown them all (since 1999) online.....I left the link above for you to enjoy them all.

What's wrong with the US economy !

We have all heard of the recent crashing of some gigantic money lenders, Banks and insurance institutions. Some say its just deflating back to normal, after the surreal 8 years of Bush/Chaneey rule, in which they had free hand in virtually robbing the small peoples savings with easy credit hand outs..... However, there are five factors which could be highly relevant to understand what this is all about ; 1 - Profits have risen(Corporate Sector), but the wages and income of average Americans are lower. 2-Because of the above, more and more people are deeper in debt. 3- When all the corporates flow their profits into tax free islands, there is subsequently no new investment to create jobs to keep up with the population growth, thus employment rate falls. 4-Because of the above, poverty is on the rise, (No Jobs results in No money to spend to feed the micro-economy). 5-Rising health care costs which is again due to corporate oriented reasons, destroys and erodes families and their alread...

Who is Sarah Palin

Apart from her all American Mid-West super Mum appearance, She also has a political agenda and a certain background which really has to be taken into account. Here are 10 facts you must know about her; 1) She is currently under investigation in Alaska for abuse of power (Long before she became VP candidate) 2) She offered a bounty of $150 for each right front leg of freshly killed wolves. 3) She is opposed to abortion, even in case of rape and incest. 4) She is champion for big Oil Companies and supports drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife refuge and elsewhere. 5) She believes creationism should be taught in public schools 6) She believes Man-Made global warming is a farce 7) She is opposed to listing the polar bear as an endangered species because she thinks it will limit Oil exploitation 8) While mayor of Wasilla (2000 inhabitants), she tried to fire the city librarian, because the librarian refused to censor books. 9) She supports aerial hunting of wolves and bears, even though...

Who was Daniyal Ghavami?

Daniyal Ghavami was born in 1959 in Shiraz, Iran. His family was wealthy and his uncle was very influential in the then Royal family and was a representative in the USA, his uncle organized a state sponsored scholarship for Daniyal to study in Washington. Iranians know that every individual receiving such a scholarship had to commit themselves to cooperate with the SAVAK to make reports on the Confederation of Iranian students in the USA who were mostly socialists in their political orientation. Nevertheless after the revolution and shortly after the referendum upon which the Islamic Republic was declared. Daniyal returned to Iran and applied for a job at the Prime Ministerial office in Iran, his name was not Daniyal Ghavami anymore, he was employed as "Saeed Emami" in what was known in Iran as "Herassat" ( Ministry of Information still did not exist in Iran). A now famous individual " Saeed Hajarian" met him accidentally in one of the Prime Ministerial co...

McCain the liar ...

"the cat will mew, and dog will have his day"

William Shakespeare, had a very peculiar view of things, and the above mentioned title is actually wiser than one might anticipate,,,, timelessness is another description for his words, the relevance of which we can cognate to todays global circumstances. Russia's emergence once again from the ashes of its Soviet Empire, has brought the AIPAC oriented US foreign policy into stagnation, and not a moment too soon, one might want to add. A Multi-Polar world is an equilibrium that serves everyone, meaning safety and security for everyone, not only for countries that accommodate US interests beyond their own. Problem as always is the chauvinistic gang of Neo-Cons running the US administration, still caught in the post cold war fantasy of Uni-polarism. These gang of thugs (Neo-Cons) are going to be protesting every upcoming Russian step towards reclaiming their turf of influence and quite honestly..... there isn't much the Americans can do to stop this and that could become a problem...

The definition of traitors....

I think all Iranians and non Iranians would agree with me on the fact that this Marxist/Islamic cult (MKO= Mojahedin-e-khalgh) are a textbook example "traitor" There is not much to say, except that the day they put their hands in SADDAM 's hand to attack Iranian soldiers at the front... in the midst of a bitter national was over with their Iranian souls. Their interrogations of Iranian POW' s , their fifth column operations during the war, and right at the end their massive attack at the lines of Iranian soldiers.. causing so much bloodshed, to the tired Iranian soldiers that had refuted 8 years of bitter war.. to safeguard the territorial integrity of our all Motherland......regardless of who is running is after all our country and our nation. There are countless YouTube clips on the net that verifies their betrayal, all uploaded after the fall of Saddam by Kurdish officials in the Iraqi Govt. That amongst other actions of this sect, was si...

Thank you Georgia

Thank you Georgia for your phenomenal stupidity, and short sightedness, Thank you Georgia for falling into the Anglo-Zionist's ever failing geopolitical misadventures. Thank you for squeezing Iran from the spotlight, Thank you for being so stupid as believing that the 27 bullets delivered to you by Israel with the pretext of them being magic, made you pick a fight with a power that can obliterate you within 3 weeks. Recalling history, Georgia belonged to Iran and once in a while you (Georgia) tried to irritate Iran by thinking the Ottoman’s will help you or the Russian’s for that matter, and every time the Georgian peoples suffered heavily, it seems you never learn,,,,however Iran lost you (Georgia) to the Russians in 1805 … it was a fair fight and Iran lost, considering Georgia's Christian background , maybe it was better so, because if not 1805 then at a later date under other circumstances, because you simply didn’t belong amongst us. Having said that, I must add, Georgia se...

Attacking Iran ?... Bad Idea!!

As far as, one can read by scanning the Press Agencies, one realizes how desperate,Western 5 plus/minus whatever have become in dealing with Iran, regarding Iran's every aspect , be it the nuclear issue, or regional policy or whatever else they can blame or divert on Iran. Pentagon was advised to draw up some plans and play out some shadow games of different scenarios, which without even a hint of an exception, went disastrously wrong for the US forces…. The unthinkable scenario of invasion, could only be considered, if they could draw up over one million combat ready soldiers with a massive military hardware for support , which would take 4 years to ready and even then, they shall have to count 15,000 dead and 40,000 –60,000 wounded alone by the first 2 weeks, and a constant stream of of the same level of causalities within the months and eventual years that is needed to control all the Oil wells and other resources in Iran…. An unthinkable task, considering what the real potent...


Should the Cam be on, it will take a few seconds to load...

Republic, or Empire?

America faces a stark choice, one that no major candidate for the presidency has articulated, let alone faced: do you want an empire, or do you want your old republic back? Seven years of constant warfare have taken their toll on your free and democratic institutions, as the power of the presidency has waxed and your own civil liberties have waned. The costs of empire, you are beginning to learn, are more than just losses on the battlefield: among the casualties may be your unique form of government and the very values you are supposedly fighting to preserve. The Founders of the American nation feared militarism and its consequences, and for good reason. They saw how the European empire-builders abused not only their colonial subjects, but also their own citizens. The Founders resolved never to let that happen in America. Yet it is happening.Vote OBAMA and make a difference, reclaim your stolen country from the criminal gang running it before its too late. .

Viva Israel !!!! (What more is there to say..)


USA and Racism

Racism has been a major issue in America since the colonial era. Historically, the country has been dominated by a settler society of religiously and ethnically diverse Whites . Major racially structured institutions include slavery, settlement, Indian reservations, segregation, residential schools and internment camps(Indians). Racial stratification has occurred in employment, housing, education and government. Although racial discrimination was largely criminalized in the mid-20th century, major inequalities persist. The heaviest burdens of racism in the country have fallen upon Native Amis, Asian Amis, Blacks, Latinos and some other immigrants and their descendants. Racist attitudes, and prejudice are still held by substantial portions of the population. Members of every American ethnic group have perceived racism in their dealings with other groups. These are some of the facts, and the fact that the US Administration counter argues against official impeachments by the independen...

6. September 2007

This date (6.Sept.2007) and what exactly happened that particular midnight, is perhaps the most typical of what one might expect from todays system of Governance in the United States of America, their wars and politics, and their audacious expectations that nobody shall ever find out. So, lets explain what around 10 pm Baghdad local time a squadron of 6 F15E and 6 F16 Falcon took off from Baghdad's International Airport around 15 km outside of Baghdad, their target was Al-Tibni a small town in Syria, following up on information that, there they will find the actual arms Storage facility they had been looking for, storing those deadly IED's and other ammunition that kept turning up in Iraq despite of permanent Border observations on the Iranian-Iraqi side. That particular Arms hub was rented by a certain Saudi Businessman two years ago and financed through a French Bank. The place has a famous name its called "Al-Kibar" and the Syrian Govt. has bee...

Remember the future

There is this indisputable fact, that every possible political and military move the USA has undertaken in the last decade, has been one way or another to the benefit of the Iranian System and Iran as a whole. The destruction of the Talliban regime ( an Ideological enemy of Iran and Shia branch of Islam). The Destruction of Saddam Hussein (the national enemy of Iran). The constant saber rattling over war against Iran (thus increasing Iran's income).... All the above mentioned actions are only the major issues that have geopolitically increased Iran's influence and prowess,,,, there are so many smaller issues that are not in the headlines, but have decisive effects in the long and short term strategic policies and roles of Iran and the USA in the middle east.. astonishingly all and this blogger means all... are to the benefit of Iran. This makes you wonder, who is this idiotic bureaucrat making these strategic decisions trying to safeguard long term American interests. (Iranian...

Hypothetical chain of events

What is written here, could actually happen in the near future,,, so lets be a bit open to speculations. What if The Israeli Govt. starts to make unequivocal advances towards its three main adversaries, Hamas, Hezbollah and Syria,, making promises and suggesting dialogs for the return of their Land and hoping to tie them down to endless rounds of meetings with setbacks and progress (one step ahead and two steps back) as they have done with the PLO for the last decade or so. Iran shall have its proxies tied up and neutralized for at least a certain period of time..... in which a surgical attack takes place and certain areas are Bombed by US forces , furthermore USA occupies the three Persian Gulf Islands claimed unlawfully by the UAE. Sets up massive military bases there and thus lets the Iraqi Govt. off the hook for its 50 military bases in their country. . Iran's objections and retaliation plans already compromised by the loss of its allies in the Arab world or at least until tho...

Scientology is undeniably a cult

Scientology is not only a cult,,,, but a dangerous one.. due to 5 reasons; (1) It uses psychological coercion to recruit, indoctrinate & retain its members. (2) It forms an elitist totalitarian society. (3) Its founder leader is self-appointed, dogmatic, messianic, not accountable & has charisma. (4) It believes 'the end justifies the means' in order to solicit funds & recruit people. (5) Its wealth does not benefit its members or society. Scientology simplified,,, read for yourselves and laugh your souls out..... Scientologists ACTUALLY believe the evil alien ruler Xenu killed a lot of aliens (Thetans) from around the universe by bringing them to earth & blowing them up inside volcanoes. They believe the souls of these aliens (these souls are "Body Thetans") have attached themselves to us & cause many of our mental & physical ills. Members who know about Xenu will attempt to deny it or pretend like it doesn’t matter. They are required to sign ...

Women’s Rights in Iran

One very wrong assumption amongst the World public opinion towards Iran and its treatment of women, is that they (World) think Iranian women had all the rights they could possibly wish for during the Shahs rule... This could not be further from the truth. The same Inheritance law was implemented as today and the same marriage Laws, and exactly the same custody law concerning children, women could not travel without permissions from their spouses and the same polygamous rights existed in favor of men only that in 1970 a law was passed where the men had to get permission from their wives…. So lets not lose sight of the realties and blame everything on the present system of Governance. ( although, Judgeship is one right women have lost due to the revolution) The difference today is, that Iranian women have become one of the most and best educated women in the World, and are demanding justifiably their absolute equality in every level and perspective of Life. The understanding ...

Iran, USA and Iraq

Iraq was occupied by a belated and compelled UN resolution in 2004 and now the USA is asking the Iraqi Govt. to sign a security pact, legitimizing a military occupation after 2008 . Demanding over 50 military bases and full control over Iraq's air space, unadulterated immunity for not only the military personnel but also all US citizens running around getting rich building a house or a bridge anywhere in Iraq paid by Iraq's Oil Billions..... The Iraqi/Arab humiliation will reach a peak that is unprecedented in the history of if not enough, The American Neocons, demand it to run indefinitely. What does it all mean for Iran?? having already been surrounded by so many US military bases starting from Western Oman through to Bahrain and Qatar, Saudi Arabian and Kuwait,,, a logistic center in southern Turkey and Azerbaijan... right around to Tajikistan and not to forget Bagram in Afghanistan....The US seems to have realized that any campaign against Iran will result i...

Remembering Howard Baskerville

Howard Baskerville was born in 1885 in Nebraska USA. He was a Teacher at the American missionary in Tabriz Northern Iran ,arriving there 1907 , in the midst of the Iranian Constitutional revolution. The Iranian Constitutional Revolution was suffering heavily and Local paramilitary Leaders like Sattar-Khan and Bagher-Khan were drumming up support in other cities such as Isfahan, Shiraz, Bandar-Abbas, Busher, Mashhad and some other provinces to fight the Royalists In these hard and volatile times, the contagious revolutionary mood of the time caught up with young Howard and he fought alongside the Nationalists against the Blockade of Tabriz. This blockade was causing much hunger and suffering in those days. Later he led a group of around 100 fighters against the Royalists, in which he was shot and died almost instantly, Howard C. Baskerville, was in the eyes of the Iranians, the very reason for their affection towards Americans, Bless His sacrifice and Damn those Americans that destroye...

Remembering Dr. Mossadegh

Mohammad Mossadegh was born in 1882. His mother a Kajar Princess guaranteed a privileged upbringing in his educational and political spheres. He studied in France and Switzerland receiving his BA, MA and subsequently His Doctor of Philosophy. He was a tutor at the University of Tehran before his Political career took off. He was elected as a Member of Parliament, representing the city of Isfahan. Dr. Mossadegh served as different ministers in many Governments leading up to the occupation of Iran by the allies in 1944 and the exile and abdication of the then, Shah of Iran. Dr Mossadegh founded with 19 of his compatriots the "Iranian National Front" of which he took the chairmanship, realizing the need for radical changes and actions to safeguard Iranian wealth, independence and integrity. Finally in April 1951 he was elected as Prime minister, granting him enough power to see through his policies. Dr. Mossadegh as Prim Minister Nationalized the Oil Industry, canceling a deal w...

Bush's Economic plan made simple

I doubt Bush knows much about what he talks about, but yet he reads the stuff and the biggest economy in the world has to follow, so lets simplify what he actually did to the US economy Simplification; The Bush people ( Federal Reserve) want to print money and distribute it amongst the poor, for them to spend and thus feed the domestic economy. The money that is supposed to be spent, will be spent to buy goods from stores,,, these goods are 80% produced abroad (not in the US) so this money flows abroad and not in the economy. So more money has to be printed and the value of dollar shall fall even more. Fact is American economy does not manufacture. It only manufacture 10% to 20% the rest is retail and service...everything comes from abroad because it has to stay cheap. It used to be other way around but the realities are different now, may be next time the 49% Americans who elect according to their church policies will reconsider and look beyond their picket fences, when they vote.