Disgraceful Saudi Arabians!

Saudi Arabia came into being in 1744, their religion is based on the Sunni branch of Islam but it is by far and by no means the Sunnism that the world is accustomed to and is aware of, it is "Wahabism" a very fascistic sect of Islam founded by a cleric around the same period this country was established. Some say although not proven ! this Wahabistic branch of Sunnism was generated and injected into the Sunni branch of Islam by the, then British colonialists in order to create a rift amongst the Islamic counties to weaken and instigate revolts in the Ottoman empire, whatever the case, the Saudis have a completely different mindset than the rest of the Islamic world. Their economic structure is a welfare state, nothing more and nothing less,one can destroy their economy(and I mean completely destroy) by destroying 14 specific Oil fields.
The money that flows into this country due to the Oil revenue has caused unadulterated gluttony, as a result of which a general national behavior has emerged amongst the Saudi Arabian people, which can be considered characteristic, They (Saudi Arabian people) consider themselves, God's chosen people and everyone else are there to serve them, this could be seen as a cliche but the stories of their "Modern Slaves"(house workers) confirms this assessment. The Saudi Arabian people treat their employees in the most disgusting manner, and had it not been for their Oil and influence due to the present international situation, human rights organizations would have torn this country from limb to limb (but as it is, human rights watch organizations are being kept on a leash by the USA). Not to mention their tireless terrorism export machinery, we only have to count the share of Saudi Arabians in the 9/11 tragedy, yet the Al-Saud family with its business ties with the Bush clan in the USA has even prevented the Saudi Arabian citizens of being fingerprinted upon entry in the USA, where even US allies such as Germany, France and British citizens are being fingerprinted.
The Saudi Arabian's legacy has to be brought to an end, and that can only be achieved by new technological breakthroughs in the car industry, further developments in the nuclear industry and most important of all Gas fields of Iran, Qatar and Russia will have to be cultivated to a point where not a single cubic meter of natural gas is wasted. Saudi Arabia is now a colonized country, where US forces are stationed in their thousands, their (Saudi Arabian) military is nothing but a shadow force, their planes and tanks miss at least half the buttons compared to the equivalent that are in the American inventory, yet the Saudi Arabians play the fool and take it like every colonized people on the planet, even kidnap and kills Iranian soldiers at the behest of the Americans in Pakistan-Iran border crossings and mistreat Iranian pilgrims in their country. The Saudi Arabian ridiculous religious fanaticism, goes as far as not even allowing their women to drive cars, yet not a single American TV channel makes a point of it,,,, I wonder why all these open hypocrisies by the West, has the West still not learned its lessons???? don't they know, these monsters they keep creating, always comes back to haunt them !!! (Bin Laden , Saddam Hussein) !!!