Remembering Pirouz Nahavandi (Abu LouLou)

Pirouz Nahavandi was a high ranking Persian (Iranian) military commander. He was taken captive in Nahavand during the Arab invasion. He was enslaved by an Arab called " Mughira" who became the governor of the city of "Basra"(Iraq today) . Pirouz is known amongst the Arabs as "Firouz" since the Arabic language does not have the letter "P" in their alphabet, Pirouz happened to be quite a craftsman, and thus a source of income for his jailer, so it wasn't long before he made it to the Arab elite circles, namely "Omar" their leader, or as they call them Caliph.
There are many stories about Pirouz Nahavandi and about what happened and what he said and not said, but fact is the Arabs always tried to write history in a manner in which they (Arabs) were seen as liberators and any attempt to resist or fight them, would be ridiculed and trivialized. One really has to put him or herself in the position of Pirouz, a proud, capable father and husband, a military commander, now having to live in appalling conditions, away from family and friends (a slave had no right to bring his family with into captivity). Any descent, brave and true man would do something about it, and Pirouz Nahavandi, did exactly what any freedom loving Iranian nationalist would do.
The story about his argument with Omar the Caliph regarding his work for his jailer and that he wanted to get a share, could be plausible and Omar the Caliph's answer was also typical (Omar practically said go bugger off ). What happened later is the work of a masterfully revenge oriented assassination, Pirouz designed himself a special dagger (two headed), and lurked upon Omar the caliph all night at a mosque in Medina in the Arabian peninsula . Omar the caliph came early morning for his prayers and as he was waking other sleeping people up, Pirouz attacked him and wounded Omar 3 times fatally(as a military man he knew how to inflict to kill), Pirouz then fought his way out of the mosque by injuring 11 of the mob attacking him(6 of them fatally) and so managed to disappear and run away back to Kashan (Iran). Pirouz Nahavandi joined his family and managed to hide for almost 7 years before Omar's son caught up with him and massacred him and his wife and children, next to all his family members were killed at the hands of Omar's son called "Obeydollah". Pirouz Nahavandi is known by the Arabs as "Firouz Abu lou lou" his tomb is in Kashan and keeps being restored, although many Arabic Governments keep asking Iran to destroy his tomb, but it keeps surviving, Pirouz Nahavandis descendants still live in and around Kashan, and bear the name "Azimi".