Women’s Rights in Iran

One very wrong assumption amongst the World public opinion towards Iran and its treatment of women, is that they (World) think Iranian women had all the rights they could possibly wish for during the Shahs rule... This could not be further from the truth. The same Inheritance law was implemented as today and the same marriage Laws, and exactly the same custody law concerning children, women could not travel without permissions from their spouses and the same polygamous rights existed in favor of men only that in 1970 a law was passed where the men had to get permission from their wives…. So lets not lose sight of the realties and blame everything on the present system of Governance. ( although, Judgeship is one right women have lost due to the revolution)
The difference today is, that Iranian women have become one of the most and best educated women in the World, and are demanding justifiably their absolute equality in every level and perspective of Life.
The understanding of the root of the problem, is half the solution, allowing the politicians to hijack this issue of women’s rights is just as destructive as considering the solution to be in the West, one should not consider the right to wear a Mini dress as the manifestation of ones right in society.
These restrictions, are rooted in the Sharia and the understanding of it through the Grand Ayatollahs of the Shia faith,,, (by all means a better deal than the Suni one for women) and THIS FACT is not going away, no matter how many women or men cry foul or bang their heads against a massive wall, that so can not be broken through,,,,,, unless one knocks on the right door,,, in my humble opinion the right door would be the declaration of the obligatory 5 Grand Ayatollahs to change or optimize the Sharia laws regarding women.
And that can only come into being with strong and persistent lobbying in the halls of power in the Iranian religious establishment and not through demonizing Iran in the foreign press, thus giving them (Iran’s religious establishment) the excuse to call women’s rights a tool for influence by the West. forget, the West does not give a toss about women's right in Iran.
The aim (equality) is right and more than legitimate ,,, but the way presently pursued is not quite as effective as some active advocates want. Mrs Ebbadi has started the right track (low Profile and right doors)