Is Evil an abstract ??

Ever since humanity emerged and prevailed,the quest for the soul has been a constant preoccupation, emerging religions of the world took the place of God, thus wars started to dictate our allegiances, spiced up through race and ethnicity towards one or the other. Afterwards the talk was always of Evil and hell, but what exactly is evil, I have never seen a Damon appearing and causing havoc and genocide, no matter how hideous the crime was, it was always The human that did it, it raises the question, what is this external,independent Evil that comes and deceives us to these deeds.
Could it be that Evil is actually an abstract, created by us humans to justify our rage and destructiveness, our guilt and gluttony, our greeds and envies. May be Evil is just the absence of God, as darkness is the absence of light, may be we humans are simply too childish and irresponsible to accept the guilt of our doings and created this "Evil" to brush off our own nature. May be we are in dire need of a "Hell" knowing some deeds are simply ,even in our own eyes unforgivable, yet we commit them and we let commit in our name.
All a fine view of things, don't you think ???, would have made a lot of sense and would help, maybe ease the fear of the unknown, the punishment one fears,a wonderful philosophy for an "Offender" but the equation , !!! was made without considering the victims. What about the the victims and their quest and thirst for justice,,, If Evil is an abstract, then so is Justice, and I personally hate to consider justice to be an abstract..... again, maybe justice is an abstract, and was created by the remorseful offender, to avoid vengeance by the victims!!! should this be the case,what exactly tells us this, about us humans.