Who is Sarah Palin

Apart from her all American Mid-West super Mum appearance, She also has a political agenda and a certain background which really has to be taken into account.
Here are 10 facts you must know about her;
1) She is currently under investigation in Alaska for abuse of power (Long before she became VP candidate)
2) She offered a bounty of $150 for each right front leg of freshly killed wolves.
3) She is opposed to abortion, even in case of rape and incest.
4) She is champion for big Oil Companies and supports drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife refuge and elsewhere.
5) She believes creationism should be taught in public schools
6) She believes Man-Made global warming is a farce
7) She is opposed to listing the polar bear as an endangered species because she thinks it will limit Oil exploitation
8) While mayor of Wasilla (2000 inhabitants), she tried to fire the city librarian, because the librarian refused to censor books.
9) She supports aerial hunting of wolves and bears, even though Alaskans voted tw

10) She used $400,000 of state money to fund a media campaign in support of aerial hunting
A practical solution to some, a Milf to the others, at the end of the day, this lady could become the President of USA,,,, McCain, could after all suffer a stroke, if the lobbyists decide he is not pursuing what he is told.