Iran's real enemies !!

Who really are Iran's sworn enemies?? here I name a few individuals, and you make your own thoughts...
1-Chuck Robb (Charles Spittal)ex Governor, ex Senator, chairman of Iran Intelligence Commission.
2- Dan Coats (Daniel Ray Coats)ex Senator, ex US Ambassador to Germany
3- Dr. Michael Rubin a well known mad neocon of the National Review, an ex Giuliani advisor and obsessed with war on Iran.
4- Dr. Ken Katzman (Kenneth Katzman) Analyst on policy in the Persian Gulf region, a strong advocate of war on Iran.
5-John Bolton (John Robert Bolton)ex ambassador to UN, a true nut case of a neocon, a proven sexual swinger, morally decadent and unbelievably anti Iranian.
6-Dennis Ross (Dennis B. Ross) AIPAC member and chairman of the Jewish People Policy Planning Institute that includes scores of Israeli Govt. Officials.
7-Steve Radmaker (Stephen Geoffrey Rademaker) BGR Lobbyist and anti Iran extremist.
8-Kenneth Weinstein (Kenneth R. Weinstein) Chairman of the Neocon Hudson Institue and a champion of ultra aggressive pro Israeli US foreign policy (Highly anti Iranian).
9-Henry Sokolski ex Wolfowitz aid and resident at the Heritage foundation extreme anti Iranian.
There are about 32 more, and they all sit in very sensitive and effective corners of the US Governmental machinery... so far their aspirations have been thwarted, but one does not know the future of events, Maybe the next US President will want to prove how tough he is and just play along,,,, maybe just the contrary, but who knows, maybe this gang of neocons makes the same move of the early 1960's and have the President replaced to get its wars (Vietnam). Whatever the case, Iranians and Americans alike have to stay vigilant, and not allow a gang of white collar terrorists hijack civilization for a political doctrine which was doomed to fail from the start.