Dishonorable discharge

A few more weeks are left before this nightmare of Bush and Chenney reaches its end. Every government in America, has had a legacy to which the rest of the world orientates itself upon, and this government of Chicken hawks, who caused so much havoc,discomfort,death and chaos to the world, shall leave behind a legacy as bad as the German Third Reich where one only wishes "Never Again".
Ever since Bush and Chenney took charge in the USA, they started two wars of which one was completely illegitimate and unnecessary, They de facto legalized torture and kidnapping, they created militia organizations within the United states (Black Water is just one example), they legalized assassinations calling hem targeted killings(imagine if another country would start with this uncivilized method), they practically destroyed a surplus of almost 40 billion into a 40 minus, they took over 14 million homeless and turned it into 34.5 million homeless in the USA (unbelievable but true), civil liberties which once distinguished the USA have been curtailed in the name of security and there are 1 in every 100 adults behind bars. Imagine a country known for its unparalleled immigration policies, where everyone could have become a millionaire regardless of ones origin, suddenly became an Empire of fascistic policies, one can still demonstrate though, but would be registered and flagged (try applying for a job, even after years).The economic melt down should be seen as the "coronation", the cream de la cream of their incompetence and utter lobby oriented politics.
Considering all what the world and the US has been through,indictment is the least these crooks should be getting. Any descent country would have indicted them for crimes against humanity (certainly Dick Chenney), because should they not be indicted, the next "Forrest Gump" is just around the corner and could be the next Bush and the devil himself like Dick Chenney could become the puppeteer behind the mirror. Lets just hope for a few more weeks of "nonaggression" towards Iran, then we should be able to exhale and then .... lets wait and see, how Obama will clean up this AIPAC mess.