Remember the future

There is this indisputable fact, that every possible political and military move the USA has undertaken in the last decade, has been one way or another to the benefit of the Iranian System and Iran as a whole. The destruction of the Talliban regime ( an Ideological enemy of Iran and Shia branch of Islam). The Destruction of Saddam Hussein (the national enemy of Iran). The constant saber rattling over war against Iran (thus increasing Iran's income).... All the above mentioned actions are only the major issues that have geopolitically increased Iran's influence and prowess,,,, there are so many smaller issues that are not in the headlines, but have decisive effects in the long and short term strategic policies and roles of Iran and the USA in the middle east.. astonishingly all and this blogger means all... are to the benefit of Iran.
This makes you wonder, who is this idiotic bureaucrat making these strategic decisions trying to safeguard long term American interests. (Iranians must Love this guy.. I know I do,,) now, whatever the case,,, this humble blogger has been reading a bit here and there trying to find a pattern, because quite honestly everyone needs information to base their decisions on and our favorite Idiot must be fed from somewhere or have a certain school of thought to justify his or her decisions.... I did find a very silly yet simple and ingenious explanation...It all lies in the American academic system and culture... the student fraternity or societies,,,, there are hundreds but some are m

This humble blogger found out, that every move undertaken by this administration and the gang of so called "NeoCons" ( who incidentally are all members of this implied student fraternity) has been a "Preventive measure"... somebody has been interpreting the quatrains of Nostradamus in a spectacular manner by putting names and countries on the dotted lines and thus trying to prevent the uprising and establishment of a civilization that shall be very dominant in a region that seems vital to the USA....they have been chasing an Antichrist by the name of "LAUDE" which they think of being Bin Laden and then realizing the Israeli entity being destroyed by a charismatic Iraqi leader ( took them on and destroyed the country) now they assume the detonation of a Nuke device on the Suez Canal to be of Iran's aspirations.. all these prophecies are to be read in the works of Nostradamus.....But the question is would it be Iran's device that detonates or somebody else's...who knows, fact is Nostradamus didn't say so.. its their (USA) interpretation....
Whatever the case, All is done to help bring up that certain civilization that is supposed to influence and dominate the region......we seem to have a certain "Barbarossa syndrome" what this syndrome is ?? (my humble invention).. I leave a comment underneath to explain what I mean.
I tend to call any aspiration and subsequent effort to harm another in a persistent manner,, that ends with one harming oneself as a person or group suffering from "Barbarossa syndrome"