Bush's Economic plan made simple

I doubt Bush knows much about what he talks about, but yet he reads the stuff and the biggest economy in the world has to follow, so lets simplify what he actually did to the US economy
The Bush people ( Federal Reserve) want to print money and distribute it amongst the poor, for them to spend and thus feed the domestic economy.
The money that is supposed to be spent, will be spent to buy goods from stores,,, these goods are 80% produced abroad (not in the US) so this money flows abroad and not in the economy.
So more money has to be printed and the value of dollar shall fall even more.
Fact is American economy does not manufacture. It only manufacture 10% to 20% the rest is retail and service...everything comes from abroad because it has to stay cheap.
It used to be other way around but the realities are different now, may be next time the 49% Americans who elect according to their church policies will reconsider and look beyond their picket fences, when they vote.