Attacking Iran ?... Bad Idea!!

As far as, one can read by scanning the Press Agencies, one realizes how desperate,Western 5 plus/minus whatever have become in dealing with Iran, regarding Iran's every aspect , be it the nuclear issue, or regional policy or whatever else they can blame or divert on Iran.
Pentagon was advised to draw up some plans and play out some shadow games of different scenarios, which without even a hint of an exception, went disastrously wrong for the US forces…. The unthinkable scenario of invasion, could only be considered, if they could draw up over one million combat ready soldiers with a massive military hardware for support , which would take 4 years to ready and even then, they shall have to count 15,000 dead and 40,000 –60,000 wounded alone by the first 2 weeks, and a constant stream of of the same level of causalities within the months and eventual years that is needed to control all the Oil wells and other resources in Iran…. An unthinkable task, considering what the real potential of the US armed forces is, judging from their 2 already up and running wars.
Surgical strikes are no practical solution either, since they really don’t have a clue, where to strike, claiming to know would be a big lie.
Talking to Iran wont get them anywhere either, since they have not learned how to talk to Iran, (They keep talking to Iran, as if talking to some Arab monarchies in the Persian Gulf or some Banana Republic a la Colombia in Middle America… ..simply demanding ).
Iran has to be careful here, because, America is not the predictable democracy it was once, it has become an Empire, and handles as such, so I hope Iranians know when to pull the strings and when to loosen up.