Remembering Dr. Mossadegh

Mohammad Mossadegh was born in 1882. His mother a Kajar Princess guaranteed a privileged upbringing in his educational and political spheres. He studied in France and Switzerland receiving his BA, MA and subsequently His Doctor of Philosophy. He was a tutor at the University of Tehran before his Political career took off. He was elected as a Member of Parliament, representing the city of Isfahan. Dr. Mossadegh served as different ministers in many Governments leading up to the occupation of Iran by the allies in 1944 and the exile and abdication of the then, Shah of Iran.
Dr Mossadegh founded with 19 of his compatriots the "Iranian National Front" of which he took the chairmanship, realizing the need for radical changes and actions to safeguard Iranian wealth, independence and integrity. Finally in April 1951 he was elected as Prime minister, granting him enough power to see through his policies.
Dr. Mossadegh as Prim Minister Nationalized the Oil Industry, canceling a deal with the, today BP (British Petroleum) which would have run up to 1993 giving this British Company an unadulterated audacious right to extract and take away Iran's wealth to the Isle of Britain without even sharing the profit , a blatant theft in the eyes of the Iranian Nation.
Thus Britain, organized an International embargo in every possible dimension upon Iran, that was struggling with its young Parliamentarian Constitutional Monarchy. ( Very similar to what Iran is suffering today, due to its insistence for nuclear fuel) .
To cut a long painful story short, The British and the American intelligent services staged a coup d'etat on 19 August 1953, The operation as its known today was called "Operation Ajax" for which Mrs M. Albright the Ex US Foreign Secretary officially apologized !!!, not only destroyed the Iranian democracy but installed The young Shah as an omnipotent ruler, promising him unequivocal support for however he sees fit to run his country , if only he would guaranty the flow of oil at certain prices to the US and Britain.( And that was a silly move, because of the aftershocks it caused in 1978)
Dr Mossadegh, a true Patriot was tried for "treason", but even this ridiculous charge didn't ruin his legacy, looking back we all know today, hadn't the Iranian Grand Ayatollah Kashani withdrawn his support, out of fear of Dr. Mossadegh's extreme secularism,This coup would not have succeeded. ( What a waste and what a misjudgment, history shall not forget, nor forgive)
Dr Mossadegh was put in jail for 3 years (Solitary) then under house arrest for the rest of his life. Dr. Mohammad Mossadegh died on March 5 1967, He was 85 years old.