The definition of traitors....

I think all Iranians and non Iranians would agree with me on the fact that this Marxist/Islamic cult (MKO= Mojahedin-e-khalgh) are a textbook example "traitor"
There is not much to say, except that the day they put their hands in SADDAM 's hand to attack Iranian soldiers at the front... in the midst of a bitter national was over with their Iranian souls.
Their interrogations of Iranian POW' s , their fifth column operations during the war, and right at the end their massive attack at the lines of Iranian soldiers.. causing so much bloodshed, to the tired Iranian soldiers that had refuted 8 years of bitter war.. to safeguard the territorial integrity of our all Motherland......regardless of who is running is after all our country and our nation. There are countless YouTube clips on the net that verifies their betrayal, all uploaded after the fall of Saddam by Kurdish officials in the Iraqi Govt.
That amongst other actions of this sect, was simply unforgivable, and Iranians can simply not comprehend the level of CIA stupidity in believing them (MKO) to be a possible alternative for the so called regime change.
Let me tell you how they (MKO) work....., those Iranians living abroad know, how they(MKO) function, they advertise a 1 day trip to cities like Paris for the sum of 15€- 20€ with a bus in local newspapers, disguised as travel agencies,,,,with which they get thousands of calls from different peoples, (next to none are Iranians) mostly older generation Russians or Greeks or a great deal of ex-east block citizens,,, they load them on a bus and transport them onto a famous square in those cities, handing out Cups of Coffee and some biscuits upon arrival,,,, Photograph and filming them while they pass along the gigantic photos of the leaders of this sect, and thus propagate about a massive demonstration that has taken place. loooool (If that is not deception, then what is...)
This is not only insulting to the Iranian intelligence, but a good proof of the utter ignorance of the American intelligence community towards the Iranians as a whole. The lack of real American intelligence has always been a problem to the world, a nation that is spiritually stranded (USA) politically a rotating autocracy (Democrat or Republican) should really quit trying to shape the world according to their (USA) world viewing. it simply wont work.