
Blackwater is a terror organization by all legal definitions available throughout the world. Blackwater USA was founded by a nut case of a christian fundamentalist, a converted Roman Catholic by the name of Eric Prince in 1997. It is no surprise that he is a member of the US Republican party. A classic protege of Dick Chenney the almost ex VP in the USA.Their Base in North Carolina is as big as a city and they are known to train, everyone and every nationality to promote certaing US foreign policies which are not sanctioned by international law. Since the election of G.W. Bush as President and Dick Chenney as VP, Blackwater has renamed itself "Blackwater Worldwide", and has started implementing Dick Chenney's muscles in certain countries and regions to accomodate Chenney's lobby affiliations.
Taking a few steps aback and viewing Blackwater from a few steps away, one realizes that Blackwater is a militia organization that simply carries out terror contracts in the name of a Government (US Govt.), that hires them as "security contractors" and ensures immunity for them through laws and pressures upon the Governmets of countries they operate in(Like SOFA in Iraq), same kind of arrangements exist in UAE, Bahrain,Kuwait,Oman,Afghanistan,Pakistan,Azarbayjan,Saudi Arabia,Jordan,Egypt, most of EU (in the EU,as long as the crimes are not hideous), 60% of the South American continent most notably Argentina are also considerd as Blckwaters operational fields, the countries and regions are coached in advance by the CIA and the NeoCon administered US Government, to give the Blackwater mlilitia the necessary cover.
The present so called Republican administration in the USA, hopes and wishes to secure the role of this organization (Blackwater Worldwide) for at least the time they are out of office to implement their financial and political agenda throughout the world. The danger however is, These Blackwater militias have killed political oppositions in Iraq, Afghanistan, Azarbayjan and Egypt, and next to none were outspoken or anti American, they were simply in the way of certain concerns that needed free access to whatever these people were blocking, that could eventualy mean, removing political figures in the USA could be a matter of time. What if the future administration in the USA is not Republican, and demands accountability, would Dick Chenney abide ??