Downgrading relations !

Iran's relationship with the island of Britain has never been easy, yet it has been constantly there. Worth mentioning is the undeniable fact that the British with no legal authority except the power to close Irans ports have been stealing Iran's resources since 1905, not to mention the priceless artifacts and books that have ended up in different British museums without legal justifications, one tends to hope that every single item will have to be accounted for and dealt with at some stage. Enough of the old wounds,lets move to the new ones,there are many who consider the latest events in Iran, as some British MI6 attempt to destabilize and cause unrest just as they did in 1953, and judging from history one might consider these speculations as legitimate.

However there are certain attempts to downplay, by belittling this anti British sentiments in Iran, defining it as a trivial cultural misunderstanding and underneath I have embedded a documentary to show you how it is being approached, sometimes insulting but nevertheless nostalgically funny.


Anonymous said…
The British are actualy saying; get over it...furthemore its a new Century and a new round, so bend over again....
Anonymous said…
iran and Britain should really avoid each other. Iran should make sure the Brits dont make any big deals in Iraq.

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