Je suis Adolf !

A never ending psychodrama of collective social mass manipulation everywhere and by everyone.

The murderers of those world weary journalists in Paris were probably none more than a few naive, adventurous and apocalyptic oriented youngsters, recruited and radicalised by Saudi Arabian terrorist headhunters. Headhunters that are of the same magnitude as those CIA or Mossad headhunters that constantly recruit young drifters with desperate aspirations, turn them and send them to murder scientists and engineers in countries not in their political sphere (Iran).....having said that, there are no differences between these terrorists and those terrorists. As long as terrorism is the instrument to gain political and social agendas, then one probably ought not be surprised to see the backlashes right at their front doors... Terrorism with all its hypocrisy is being used , as it seems, by everyone !

We saw the indignation and outrage throughout France and some other western countries, one might want to emphasis the outrage to be profoundly justified , as it is on a daily basis in Pakistan, Syria and Iraq... as it was when Iran's scientists were murdered leaving their homes and works.....But our point of interest is not the western medias short memories , nor their selective sense of justice and solidarity with victims of violence.
In all this dilemma, we see in Eastern Parts of Germany (EX-DDR) a new/old reinitialised right-wing movement called “P.E.G.I.D.A.”  The simplified translation from the German declares them being European Patriots that want resistance towards the Islamisation of the Occident.... well you might be obliged to believe and express some understanding on the worries towards the people in these kinds of movements, but certainly not the Germans and by that, it is the East Germans that are specifically meant !!! …... We should after all not forget what happened the last time when the Germans laid the blame on a religion for their claimed miseries......The initiators of this movement are the same usual suspects that are always interrogated by the Police when a Turkish family house is set ablaze in those areas or some coloured student in a nearby University forgot to make it to the dorm before dark and found hurt beyond help....

Even though not openly acknowledged, but here is a profound difference between the Eastern and Western German mentalities as it is amongst Southerners and the so called Yankees of USA, same applies to northern and southern Italians and many many more... Although this (PEGIDA) is an East German social phenomenon, but it should still be considered like a dangerous tumour when it comes to Germany, a tumour that could grow through social defiance for reasons that is not even relevant to the objective...The Germans are after all well-known for their “politically” easily seductive nature and the very reason why after the war the right to direct vote was taken from its peoples.

If such Terror attacks, which one might rightfully be worried , not to be the last of its kind, are not managed wisely and correctly, it will inevitably have dangerous side effects such as seriously jeopardizing social peace for all in Germany.....It all starts with the emergence or intensification of such anti-social and political movements and we all know and history has shown us repeatedly, it can not be contained.


Anonymous said…
shy Neonazis wanting to get out of the closet. nice one.
Anonymous said…
Killing those Mickey Mouse journalists was just as wrong as the insults that they kept throwing at people's religion.
It does not matter how many hit the streets in their support. You should never insult someone for their religious beliefs.
A wrong stays wrong no matter how many believe otherwise.
Anonymous said…
west germans had to work hard and earn everything they have from scratch after the war. they socially matured and know their place and responsibilities in the world.

east germans just jumped on the train without ever having to work for what they were given and never realizing what social maturity and international responsibility means.

dont worry.

they are numbered and we germans know well how to educate and pacify these overfed east german mules

The title is indeed justified.

I take it you to be a German dear anon 10:20 so just as a reminder who Pegida really are...I would like to leave a clip here ...

Anonymous said…
If I remember correctly,
the Holocaust started with a few caricatures about the Jews, didn't it ?
Haven't we learned anything from history?
Anonymous said…
I have been living in Germany for almost 25 years / have been a citizen for 15 years / have paid taxes like there is no tomorrow / I paid a visit with my family to eastern parts of germany/ now I have simply lost my interest in Germany for good/ I never thought that was possible.

Iranian/German from Frankfurt

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