
Showing posts from December, 2009

Shia/Sunni simplified !

Let us, for the last time discuss the issue of the Shia/Sunni branches of Islam (since friends and foes constantly ask me about It.) what the differences are, and how could they be told apart in every day life. In fact, any descent and pious Moslem would not give a toss about whom and what branch of Islam one follows, furthermore the same group do not give a toss over whether one is Christian, Jewish or a Moslem, as long as they believe in the oneness of God . However, politics of any era always left its marks, shades and traces on all religions. Islam was no exception. It has been almost 1400 years since the emergence of Islam as a religion, and as soon as “Mohammad” passed away, the question of his successor became the cornerstone of this division. As “Ali” the prophet’s cousin (a candidate) was busy with the burial, some older, richer and more influential members of “Mohammad’s insider circle chose one of theirs instead. Shia means (Party of Ali) and Sunni means (Traditionalists).

Copenhagen Conference Simplified

It has been described by some , and to a certain extend one tends to agree that this meeting in Copenhagen is one of the most important meetings since the end of World War II.. The official title is “United Nations Copenhagen Climate Conference” and there are supposed to be representatives from every country in the World present, trying to make an important leap forward in de facto saving the planet. They are supposed to find answers to 4 important issues, which should reflect an international consensus on tackling the issue and subsequently complete a protocol that would replace the “Kyoto Protocol“ since USA would not sign it. The four questions are; 1.How much are the industrialized countries willing to reduce their emissions of greenhouse gases? 2. How much are major developing countries such as China and India willing to do to limit the growth of their emissions? 3. How is the help needed by developing countries to engage in reducing their emissions and adapting to the impacts of

2495 years ago

It was the end of November in 486 BC, the 64 years old King of Kings "Shah" of Persia "Dariush the Great" after suffering a month of ill health, passed away. Dariush had 18 children from which his successor was to be chosen from, "Xerxes" was his oldest son from "Atoosa" daughter of "Cyrus the great" that became King as it was long prepared before hand by Darius himself, this farsightedness was perhaps one reason why the passage of power took place without any calamities. The body of Dariush the Great was transfered to "Naghsh-e-Rostam" where other Achaemenid Kings were to be buried. His tomb was in preparation years ahead of his death,according to some account 7 years in advance, therefore enough time for inscriptions and epitaphs worthy of Kings. Dariush did not leave it to his successors to grant him the honor he had earned. Some inscriptions are as follows: "Ahuramazda, when he saw this earth in commotion, thereafter

Remembering Dehkhoda

A.A.Dehkhoda, was born in 1879 in Tehran. He was considered by todays standard multilingual and later in life became one of the best known linguists in Iran. Before prominence, he studied political science and was voted into Parliament as a representative of the people of Tehran, later joining the foreign office cadre and serving as an embassy employee . Dehkhoda returned to Iran in 1905 and joined the "Constitutional revolutionaries",at the same time publishing a political column in the "Sur-Esrafil" newspaper . The Ghajar Shah did resist the constitutional movement, mainly relying on the Russians, but the British were promoting the revolutionaries in order to agitate the Russians. However in 1908 the Parliament was dissolved by the Shah so Dehkhoda left Iran and did not return until 1911 when the despotic Shah had left Iran and the Parliament was reinstated, immediately joining the Parliament until the start of the first World War in 1914. In 1914, Dehkhoda left