
Showing posts from December, 2008

Disgraceful Saudi Arabians!

Saudi Arabia came into being in 1744, their religion is based on the Sunni branch of Islam but it is by far and by no means the Sunnism that the world is accustomed to and is aware of, it is "Wahabism" a very fascistic sect of Islam founded by a cleric around the same period this country was established. Some say although not proven ! this Wahabistic branch of Sunnism was generated and injected into the Sunni branch of Islam by the, then British colonialists in order to create a rift amongst the Islamic counties to weaken and instigate revolts in the Ottoman empire, whatever the case, the Saudis have a completely different mindset than the rest of the Islamic world. Their economic structure is a welfare state, nothing more and nothing less,one can destroy their economy(and I mean completely destroy) by destroying 14 specific Oil fields. The money that flows into this country due to the Oil revenue has caused unadulterated gluttony, as a result of which a general national beha

War criminal

Dick Chenney is no stranger to anyone, wherever there is a war, or an assassination or even an attempt at it, you can be certain Dick Chenney has a hand in it. History shall be a judge of it and condemn the humanity of today for not pursuing such elements as Dick Chenney and placing him and the likes of him above the law, the interview embedded underneath is yet another proof of his involvements in torture. Remember,"Water Boarding" is a cruel practice that was used by the Japanese in WW2, and Japanese soldiers who used them were tried by the US and convicted of war crimes. In case you have no interest in watching the clip,,, here is exactly what he says ; “I was aware of the program, certainly, and involved in helping get the process cleared, as the agency in effect came in and wanted to know what they could and couldn’t do,“ Chenney said. “And they talked to me, as well as others, to explain what they wanted to do. And I supported it.“

Everlasting farewell kiss

Very seldom does one see a gesture of selfless bravery amongst the reporters of this world, I remember Rosemary Church of the CNN pressuring the Israeli spokeswoman during the Lebanon war in 2006 as a memorable moment, and may be one or two other instances by other journalists, but what "Al-Zeidi" this young Iraqi journalist did was a pathetically brilliant move, enlightening the broken hearts of millions of his countrymen and women. One important issue here is how everyone reacted, Iraq's desperate need of a national hero has just manifested itself through a shoe throwing journalist and that is a sign the Americans ought to understand how a humiliated nation actually ticks. (with a tongue in cheek everyone was amused at the shoe affair even in Europe) The USA really has to leave the region, and hope that the resentments of the peoples of their colonized countries stays as symbolic as a shoe.

Remembering Pirouz Nahavandi (Abu LouLou)

Pirouz Nahavandi was a high ranking Persian (Iranian) military commander. He was taken captive in Nahavand during the Arab invasion. He was enslaved by an Arab called " Mughira" who became the governor of the city of "Basra"(Iraq today) . Pirouz is known amongst the Arabs as "Firouz" since the Arabic language does not have the letter "P" in their alphabet, Pirouz happened to be quite a craftsman, and thus a source of income for his jailer, so it wasn't long before he made it to the Arab elite circles, namely "Omar" their leader, or as they call them Caliph. There are many stories about Pirouz Nahavandi and about what happened and what he said and not said, but fact is the Arabs always tried to write history in a manner in which they (Arabs) were seen as liberators and any attempt to resist or fight them, would be ridiculed and trivialized. One really has to put him or herself in the position of Pirouz, a proud, capable father an

Dishonorable discharge

A few more weeks are left before this nightmare of Bush and Chenney reaches its end. Every government in America, has had a legacy to which the rest of the world orientates itself upon, and this government of Chicken hawks, who caused so much havoc,discomfort,death and chaos to the world, shall leave behind a legacy as bad as the German Third Reich where one only wishes "Never Again". Ever since Bush and Chenney took charge in the USA, they started two wars of which one was completely illegitimate and unnecessary, They de facto legalized torture and kidnapping, they created militia organizations within the United states (Black Water is just one example), they legalized assassinations calling hem targeted killings(imagine if another country would start with this uncivilized method), they practically destroyed a surplus of almost 40 billion into a 40 minus, they took over 14 million homeless and turned it into 34.5 million homeless in the USA (unbelievable but true), civil libe