
Showing posts from August, 2012

AIPAC again !

Stephen Lendman of Chicago wrote;   “AIPAC is an unregistered foreign agent. It calls itself "America's Pro-Israeli Lobby." It's represented Israeli interests since 1953. Virtually no one in Congress confronts it. Doing so is a career-ender. It has enormous influence over US Middle East policies affecting Israel, including war and peace. It disseminates disinformation, lies and hate. It viciously attacks opponents. It calls Iran "the world's leading state sponsor of terrorism and is racing toward a nuclear weapons capability." It manufactures threats to promote fear. It wants the Islamic Republic destroyed. It targets other regional states. It wants unchallenged Israeli regional dominance. James Petras says its sole purpose "is to ensure Israel’s unchallenged military and political power over a huge region from North Africa to the Persian Gulf." Its annual meeting "is the most outrageous public display of Zionist-Jewish powe

US Foreign affairs in 45 Minutes !

Finally someone took it upon him/herself and put some English subtitles under some of Volker Pispers better appearances. For those of you living on other continents, Volker Pispers is the German equivalent to Jon Stewart of the US Daily Show. Be patient and enjoy the humor !

The Sanctions

Mr. M. Sahimi wrote "When she was running for president in 2008, Hillary Rodham Clinton threatened to obliterate Iran if it attacked Israel. Her opponent, Barack Obama, responded that Clinton’s threat was "too much like Bush" Four years later Iran has not attacked Israel (and will not do so, unless attacked by Israel first), but President Obama is actually carrying out the threat that his current secretary of state made in 2008, waging an undeclared war on Iran and Iranians. The U.S. and Israel have launched cyber attacks, assassinated Iranian nuclear scientists , and supported armed ethnic groups that carry out terrorist operations inside Iran, killing innocent people. In addition, Israel has been active in the  Kurdistan region of Iraq and in the Republic of Azerbaijan , encouraging and supporting small separatist movements among Iranian ethnic groups, such as the Kurds and Azeris. But the most devastating part of the undeclared war on Iran is the tough econ

How Mossad killed an Iranian Scientist


The Dis-united Kingdom

I recently watched an interesting discussion on the Aljazeera (A news station I rarely watch due to its affinity with anti Iranian Royal families around the Persian Gulf) having come across it whilst zapping through Olympic reports on the TV, I was immediately hooked since Galloway was a participant . The subject of the discussion, was also an issue usually used and abused by the British intelligence community in other multi-cultural and multi-religious communities or countries as a tool of politics. (India, Northern Irland, Iraq are some examples). Nevertheless, here is the discussion:  “Bradford is at the heart of the UK and it was once the wealthiest city in Britain, riding the wave of the industrial revolution, its mills churning out textiles that dressed the world. But Britain is no longer the great empire that it once was, and today, the city of Bradford is not defined by industrial or political power but by poverty, inequality and social decline.  Another thing that has cha