Militant brutality

Last November, in King county Seattle USA a 15 year old girl was jailed for auto theft, she was asked upon entering her cell to hand over her shoes, she took off her shoes in a manner typical for almost all 15 year olds, as a result of which a deputy sheriff "Paul Schene" decided to teach her a lesson in manners as embedded underneath;

The incident above is actually typical of the kind of militant brutality we are experiencing throughout the world, The shoe thrower of Bush was interrogated by a "Black Water International" agent and his hand was brutally broken as result and in England for years the Irish prisoners accuse the British agents of torturing the prisoners into confessions, not to mention the systematic torture of people by regimes such as Egypt and Saudi Arabia of US delivered prisoners, the latter is done by the US to avoid legal persecution, in case these people are innocent. Fact is we are experiencing a massive hypocrisy by the Mass Media, in which the wrong doings of Iran, Russia and China is being magnified into an unforgivable monstrosity, yet what happens in the west and committed by western militias (Black Water International) is simply mentioned as controversial, and forgotten.


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