and the point is......

These days the Saudis have decided to create an international tam tam... apparently to cause what has been observed in the last weeks as an escalation of hostilities that started with a calculated execution of a Cleric who happened to have had the same Islamic faith as the Iranian leaders and nation then having its Wahhabi-Baluchi agents (39 arrested of which at least 10 were none Shia elements) to attack its Tehran embassy with Molotov cocktails (Embassy had been evacuated prior to the execution, so it is safe to say the attack was expected...) all in order to kick start a roulette of ambassadors of a bunch of tribal kingdoms and dictatorships leaving Tehran...... which by all respect to their citizens happen to be politically minimal and truly irrelevant... since Iran knows how to deal with such games, as seen a half dozen times with other much more relevant countries... But why on earth are the Saudis so irrationally pounding sand ?
May be it is the realization that the Syrian war is not resulting as the Saudis wanted and invested so heavily in, or in Yemen the Houties prove to be more resilient than anticipated, or could it be that the Bahrain people simply wont accept a minority King with a British Passport... or could it be that in Iraq the ISIS is losing turf on a daily basis … ironically as Iranians see US hands in everything negative happening in the region...the Paranoid Saudis see Iran's hand everywhere and behind every development.
Every one talks of a Shia / Sunni conflict here.. but important is to differentiate who the Saudis actually are... they are not and I repeat NOT just Sunnis.... the Turks are Sunnis.. the Jordanians are Sunnis...Egyptians are Sunnis.. but the Saudis practice a certain sect of this Sunni part of Islam called WAHABISM.. And this factor must not be overseen.
To understand how the Saudis became this ultraconservative and almost fanatically puritan country, we must dig out a little bit of their history... not much but a couple of hundred years.... This peninsula was first unified by an 18th-century alliance between the AL-Saudi tribe and the followers of a puritanical fundamentalist named Muhammad Ibn Abd al-Wahhab. The Saudi tribe wanted to rule the peninsula and unify the area we now call Saudi Arabia, and Wahhab the fundamentalist wanted to spread his ultra-austere and anti-modern brand of Islam, known today as Wahhabism. It almost worked but due to social and political issues and not to forget the Ottoman Turks the plan collapsed in 1818, but it formed again after the Turks were driven out by the Brits and in the 1920s in much the same way, the Al Saudi tribe with the backing of the Wahhabi sect now called the “Brotherhood” took over the peninsula and established a country with the blessing of UK and USA... It is now called Saudi Arabia, they named their country after their own tribe and family.
Since then, the Saudi tribe has ruled in an implicit bargain with the hard-line Islamists who helped them rise... The Saudi tribe rules, and the “brotherhood” would have a state officially aligned to the Wahhabi interpretation of Islam. At this point the rulers don't need the Wahhabi clergies to conquer other tribes any more, but they are provided with an ideological base that helps them put down any rebellion in the name of this specific form of zero tolerance religion for any form of deviations... furthermore, they refuse to have any written constitution, thus leaving the laws of its entity to daily interpretations that fits to what is needed.. be it right or wrong.
Throughout Saudi Arabians short history, you can see the Al Saudi family balancing between the need to be part of the ever progressing world and the necessity to satisfy and pacify the Wahhabi hard-liners. They lift restrictions on women today and then clamp down the next. This is why they fund extremists even though these extremists attack their own business partners. It's why they seek close ties with the United States yet spread an official Wahhabi ideology that often portrays the Americans as enemies of Islam.
This Wahhabi sect of Sunni Islam in Saudi Arabia is the lone guardian, financier and promoter of what is known as the 21st century terrorism.. starting with 9/11 right up to today... they are responsible for them all..... However the US statesmen and their allies of the West, wantonly and knowingly chase the terrorist in every other place and country but where the money and manpower comes from.. They invade and obliterate infrastructures of almost every stable and strong laistic and none religious Government in the Middle East, not to mention the inhuman and cowardly sanctions upon countries that actually fight and oppose these Wahhabi monsters and terrorists (Iran).... for every Wahhabi terror act, the US statesmen hangs sanctions upon the enemies of Wahhabi's and yet refuse to even criticize the very country responsible for all the miseries and wars of our time. Is it not time to ask Why ?


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