Interjection !

The first issue, is the newly  published IAEA report regarding Iran's nuclear program. The report hopes to kick start, putting an end to the big and small disputes of the so called 5­­­-1 with Iran. It was probably the best the West and Iran could have hoped for.

Fact of the matter is the West needed something to save its face for its more than a decade long chantage of Iran's Government with all those sanctions, not to mention the hardships it put upon the Iranian nation… Probable objective was (at the behest of pro Israeli  Lobbyists) initiations of at best unrest and regime change, or at least foreign policy change.  None seems to have materialized. 

Announcing that the Iranians probably had conducted research at some point years ago, but now, as of 2009 exists no further evidence, is so ridiculously lame and cosmetic, that the Iranians can only smirk and let the West have this little validation only to move on and get it over with.

However, we are dealing with the USA, and as experience shows, they never keep word.. Last time Iran signed a memorandum, hoping to move on, it was the Algiers accord of January 1981… The USA got what it wanted and  subsequently broke word, stealing Iran's money that the ex Shah had bunkered in the USA and started supporting SADDAM HUSSAIN of Iraq with WMD’s and etc… But that’s history and we all know where it all led us…. Please note here !…At one stage, the USA has to pay back the assets it has stolen and frozen, by extending and prolonging animosities, they only complicate the final settlement accords… but we all know, there is no cure against stupidity !

The second issue, is the refugee crisis of the last few decades that have finally reached Europe and moving further north...... Blackmailing Turkey to close its borders, so as to get some breathing space can not be the solution… The Turks shall come and demand more or else unleash a new destabilizing human wave upon Europe as done in the latter months of 2015… but that’s an issue the Europeans have to solve for themselves collectively.

The point of interest here is the unethically hypocritical demand of some politicians in Europe for the refugees to sign a declaration to denounce antisemitism and  recognize Israel as a legitimate state, needles to emphasize, next to the appropriate demand of allegiance and pledge of obedience to the laws and constitutions……. Please take note here ! Fact is the refugees are Arab Muslims, thus themselves Semites and thereby can not be anti themselves to begin with !!…(just for the stupid… Children of Abraham are usually called Semites.. meaning Jews and Arabs both being descendants of Abraham, are both considered of the Samian race, thus Semites ! )…please take note here again! Antisemitic people are without exception, Christians ! that blame the Jews for the Crucifixion of Christ !  thus hate and discriminate Jews thinking them to deserve it !…(Again, just for the stupid … the Arab Muslims that come to us as refugees or exist throughout the world, do not even believe Jesus to have been crucified (It says so in their Quran)… so they can not blame anyone for something that has not happened according to their faith).

So, the actual objective is these refugees being against the state of Israel for reasons obvious to everyone except those with certain political considerations…Now demanding of a hungry, tired, fleeing, freezing individual to sign the recognition of a state is more than ridiculous and shall have a backlash…. Reasons are simple ! These people are against a political system called Zionism and consider it just as Apartheid to be racist and exclusionist in the most substantive manner… hoping to reverse generations of indoctrination with a signature is socio-political incompetence to say the least.

PS: Deliberately misusing the term "antisemitism" to strangle out any resistance in advance is pathetic, unfair and will not only wear out the effect but pervert its political objective.


Anonymous said…
Regarding Israel snd the question of Jerusalem, One must look at the historic context. Last time Jerusalemwas lost it took 88 years to liberateit, this time it could wellbtake over 90 to 100 years.

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