Stuxnet is not a virus!

Anyone who has not heard of the word “Stuxnet” is probably living in a parallel world, looking it up will give us a definition that simplifies it into a computer Virus thus classifying it as the known modern phenomenon that is around.  We think, such new technologically generated phenomenon shall always be around….as long as it’s not a biological hazard, the assumption will be, we can live with it and contain it when the time comes, as was the case with countless other such Viruses like the Millennium Bug or prior to that the Davin chi bug and etc.

However Stuxnet, is and was never a Virus, but simply a complot. (All diagrams with regards to it being a Virus and all those complicated and intimidating illustrations and explanations are false and intended to confuse)  The name of the game is irrelevant and the names of the companies involved indeed not quite irrelevant but in this article secondary, because it should not divert our attentions in making this “complot” issue more understandable.

It starts with Iranian companies under contract in Iran to build parts and aspects of Iran’s sensitive industries, these companies were amongst others searching for hardware and special machines in Germany (the mother of all industrial nations).  At this point US and Israeli services started to block and intimidate some of the willing and capable companies in Germany to back out, only to shepherd a specific Iranian Company into the arms of a famous German traditional technology institute that sells worldwide and has much to lose if they do not abide to the method of sale suggested by these two intelligence services.

The trick was accepting the deal and delivering the Hardware, but the control systems should be replaced with defective and manipulated boards that would bust while operational (very life threatening but as long as it is none of theirs its irrelevant)….. To understand what is meant, imagine we buy a Porsche (car) and it is expected of it to be able to accelerate to 200 and above km/h within seconds, but the salesman wantonly replaces the tires with that of a small vehicle which are certified until 150-160 km/h speed before handing out..…. In that case when the Porsche (car) is on the freeway accelerating to its expected and promised speed, suddenly has a bursting tire at high speed and so the car subsequently crashes ………. (That is exactly what happened and not some super Virus developed by some super brains ….alone this assumption / misinformation is intended to intimidate)

This is not a Virus but a form of terrorism, where corporates and manufacturers are intimidated into betraying trust and moral with regards to their customers. All to safeguard a status quo or avoid losing access to markets they are already in.

One understands why one prefers to call this some computer Virus rather than customer betrayal.One also wonders, how many such attacks and manipulations have been committed to date disguised as cyber-attacks and blamed on third parties?  


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