The never ending threats...

We now know how ridiculous the western press has become, but once again taking a few steps back and looking at the whole picture ... gives us an impression of how stultifying.

Threatening Iran seems to have become an issue vital in keeping Israeli lobbyists on a leash, and If there were still  members of the press out there with a touch of integrity... they would be asking what, how or why they insist on keeping the world on their toes with these constant threats..

Here are some chronological examples..

AFP - October 29, 2004:

Voice of America - September 2, 2005:

The Washington Times - September 29, 2005:

Nonproliferation Policy Education Center (NPEC) - October 2005:

U.S. State Department - November 24, 2005:

AFP - October 4, 2006:

Arms Control Association - November 2006:

World Jewish Digest - January 2007:

Britannica - September 22, 2008:

Wall Street Journal - March 17, 2009:

AFP - July 15, 2009:

Bipartisan Policy Center - September 15, 2009:

The Telegraph - October 11, 2009:

FOX News - November 15, 2009:

FOX News - December 2, 2009:

Yedioth Ahronoth - December 16, 2009:

Dalje - January 26, 2010:

Haaretz/Reuters - February 23, 2010:

Jerusalem Post - November 26, 2010:

Reuters - November 19, 2011:

Endowment for Middle East Truth (EMET) - December 14, 2011:

The Independent - January 28, 2012:

Washington Post - February 2, 2012:

CNN - March 5, 2012:

Los Angeles Times - March 14, 2012:

The Algemeiner - March 19, 2012:

The Guardian - March 31, 2012:

Jewish Chronicle - April 12, 2012:

Yahoo! News - May 8, 2012:

CNN - June 18, 2012:

Reuters - August 1, 2012:

Center for Strategic & International Studies - August 22, 2012:

Arutz Sheva (Israel National News) - August 31, 2012:

DPA - September 20, 2012:

New York Times - September 25, 2012:

Friends of Israel Initiative - October 10, 2012:

Voice of America - February 1, 2013:

ABC - March 4, 2013:

Arutz Sheva (Israel National News) - March 5, 2012:

AFP - April 7, 2013:

Deutsche Welle - June 2, 2013:

Times of Israel - June 19, 2013:

Commentary Magazine - July 31, 2013:

Politico - November 17, 2013:

Just a few months ago, however, the ultra right-wing site WorldNetDaily announced some shocking news. Time, it appeared, had already run out:

WorldNetDaily - October 11, 2013:


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