The Lies You Trust !

War mongering idiots in the US and Israel have started once again issuing statements and analysis’s claiming Iran to be a threat of this and that magnitude.

Pentagon recently claimed  (again) Iran  to be  “X” years away of nuking the US to ashes, a claim that keeps being repeated once in a while for as long as we can all remember. The length of these “X”‘s always depends how hawkish of an idiot the person or the force behind these claims is or are.

Looking back a while, we realize these estimations and silly predictions have been making the rounds as of the early 80’s. They bet on people’s stupidity and hope for their ignorance. At the beginning it had a wow effect but it actually wore out through the years so the predictions have had to become more outrageous to generate a certain mentality to put public opinions on a leash when Wars are started with claims such as WMD or Terrorist support, well this time the claims are based on 2 new silly predictions…

*Iran has masterminded miniature nukes!!!
*Iran has masterminded intercontinental Missiles to deliver!!!

This utterly stupid and wanton lies are published and reflected whilst even the US intelligence community alongside the IAEA constantly confirm the civilian nature of Iran’s activities and that it has to date not been diverted, (is it not a pervert matter that we have to go through these issues every time someone wants to let a loud air out in the US/Israeli political pseudo-democracy??) yet ask any Jim, Jack or Joe the six pack in the US and they think otherwise. Fault is the corporate media that broadcasts this nonsense without questioning it for fear of losing sponsorships.

The other issue of Iran’s missiles!!!?.... Everyone knows Iran rotates its work on 2000-3000 km ratio and not longer. That is mainly a deterrent for Israel’s constant threat of attacks on its sovereignty and assassinations of its citizens.  Actually every aspect of Iran’s military is based on the element of “Defensive” and none other…. (It is probably the only reason Iran has not been attacked) ….for the Israeli leaders are known to be the only proactive sociopaths in the world that start wars for reasons none other than paranoid think bubbles above their heads.


Anonymous said…
Paranoid Think-bubbles :D

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