Ali who ???

Just a little reminder to all on the Saudi’s despotic system of repercussions against its citizens and the western hypocritical stance on all issues regarding them, starting with the Saudi being the single most persistent exporter of Salafy ideology and Wahabi terrorists in all four corners of the World  and not to mention the Boston incident which was initiated through an ideology originating from a certain (Wahabi) school in Saudi Arabia.

Our story however is about a vegetable seller in the Arabian peninsular. Recently a poor Saudi Arabian citizen with the name of Ali Jabiri Alhouraysi was stripped of his citizenship, now this alone is a human rights violation, but who the hell cares !….. knowing one can not even earn  a living without identifications makes this also an atrocity. Now this gentleman, happened to have been a poor vegetable seller, waking up early in the morning (4 am ), going to the market, buying cheap and selling it off his vehicle in some better off districts of the city he lived in. Usually in this despotic, terrorism exporting kingdom with the most evil like and perverted branch of a sect of Islam (Wahabism), one loses the citizenship when criticizing the king and his decadent fellowships (In this case family members) and this Gentleman in the wake of the sectarian unrests  in this country was stamped as a security risk. Now judging by his name he must have been a shia member of that society and considering that almost 40% of the population in that country crave for a separate system of Governance one can calculate the reasons of this measure implemented  upon this Gentleman.

However, Ali Jabiri Alhouraysi did not realize the consequences of this matter, since due to the extensive militarization of the Saudi society where Persian Gulf nations and other North African Arab nations exchange security personnel to avoid any compassionate solidarity amongst security forces and peoples. (like the Bahrain tortures and rapes are committed by Pakistani and Saudi forces with religious clearances, since Shia are considered heretics). In this case this Gentleman was controlled by Police and since he could not identify himself , he was subjected to extensive pressures (from probably non Saudi security elements). This, next to his inability to feed his family and the unadulterated injustice he endured was probably the cause for his desperation,  he committed suicide by self-immolation.

Lets simply hope, the division of the Arabian peninsular into the expected 3 states should prevail sooner than later.


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