Evil...Evil Wahabis (Saudis) !

Abdul Wahhab was a stern eighteenth century Muslim revivalist who considered that Islam, and Arabia in particular) needed cleansing and repurifying. Rather than worshipping just the one God, men were praying to saints, stones and statues. For this reason the Wahhabis call themselves Unitarians. In Saudi Arabia the home of Wahhabism, the name is not allowed to be used as it is considered integral to Islam and not a separate sect. (could well be a cause for execution)

The descendants of this notorious Abdul Wahhab, the Al al Sheikh, are still chief of their so called ulama, the religious advisers to the Saudis who often are the money behind the terror groups active throughout the world (al-kaeda). The Wahabis see no separation whatever between church and state and so the King of the Saudis is also their Imam (spiritual leader), and thus the father of all Salafist extremists.

Within sixty years these so called  puritans controlled most of what is Saudi Arabia today including the sacred cities of Mecca and Medina. These zealots imposed their will on their citizens and the pilgrims and destroyed what was not to their liking such as hookahs, musical instruments and human portraits.

(Some claim this movement was injected into the body of Islam by British imperialism to cause divisions and inner fighting to subsequently loosen the Ottomans grips on the region and Jerusalem.)

In 1818 the Ottoman Caliph retaliated…… Mecca was seized; Diriyah the Saudi capital was laid waste, the inhabitants of Diriyah and Riyadh were left to starve and the Saudi ruler was beheaded.

In 1871 the Turks again smashed the renascent Saudis and it was not until 1902 that Abdul Aziz Bin Saud, known in the west as Ibn Saud, conquered Riyadh with forty men. (Not without support from their Godfather the British)

In 1912 a revival of Wahhabism (also supported by the British) led to the formation of a religious settlement at the village of Artawiyah, 300 miles north of Riyadh under the auspices of the Ikhwan, the Brotherhood. Artawiyah soon grew to a town of ten thousand population, of former Bedouins who now devoted their time to farming and to the Qur'an. They enforced attendance at the mosque by whipping those who did not go; they whipped shopkeepers who did not close during prayers. Even today automatic teller machines are switched off during prayers. They forbade moustaches longer than the Prophet's, and banned music and smoking. 
Ibn Saud took control of the Brotherhood and in 1916 ordered all his Bedouin tribes to emulate Artawiyah. They were given instructions in Wahhabism with Ibn Saud as their king and Imam. The Ikhwan became a ruthless fanatical terror machine (very much like the Saudi sponsored Salafists now fighting in Syria where they crucify small children of Shia belief with knives onto their parents doors to scare and terrorise people and neighborhoods) and on the 25th May 1919 had a fearsome /shameful triumph over the much superior Hashemite force at Turaba, sixty miles from Mecca. Even Ibn Saud feared for the lives of the Meccans and had to disband the Ikhwan.

In 1924, a band of three thousand Ikhwan looted and burnt the town of Taif, killing three hundred townsfolk. Not having seen mirrors before, they smashed all that they could find.
After the massacre at Taif, Ibn Saud having realized what evil he had called out of the bottle forbade further looting and murder and by 1926, threatening all resistances with his terror regiment, had Jeddah, Mecca, Medina and indeed most of Arabia surrender and all fell, comparatively bloodlessly, into Saudi hands.

Ibn Saud no longer needed the Ikhwan. The crunch came when the Brotherhood attacked the Egyptian hajji of 1926. Accompanying them was a noisy brass band which offended the puritanical sensitivities of the Ikhwan. Ibn Saud's response was to clear them out of the Holy Places back to their desert settlements of which there were about one hundred by now.

The Ikhwan were not pleased with what Ibn Saud allowed in the state. Instead of banning tobacco he increased taxes on it. In January 1927 Ibn Saud had to confer with three thousand odd Ikhwan with the ulama as adjudicators.

The zealots raised the fact that Prince Feisal was visiting infidel England, Shiism still flourished in the Kingdom, Christian and Satanic contraptions such as the telegraph were being installed. While the ulama was sympathetic to many of these views they ruled that the calling of a jihad was up to the Imam, Ibn Saud.
The Ikhwan, still determined on jihad, raided across Saudi borders butchering men, women and children (just as they are today, planting Bombs in Iraq and spreading terror in Syria) and herding back their animals. Transjordan and Iraq formed defence corps....stopping these butchers.... Unable to raid outside of Saudi Arabia anymore, the fighting turned inwards against other Wahhabis. Their moral strength dissipated and Ibn Saud with an army of loyalists met the rebel Ikhwan near Zilfi....

Ibn Saud was magnanimous in victory and allowed the rebels to return home. Several times they tried to rebel again but Ibn Saud used "Christian contraptions" such as motor cars against them. By 1930 the Ikhwan armies were completely demolished.
Nevertheless the ulama was still Wahhabist. Ibn Saud was able to demonstrate that the radio was a medium for Qur'anic verses, and insisted that his photographs be displayed. Football was legalized in 1951 but alcohol which had been available to non-Muslims was banned in 1952. (Ibn Saud himself was an alcoholic)…In 1956 a strike was made a punishable offence and trade unions and political parties were banned; Two hundred strikers were arrested and three leaders were publicly beaten to death.

In 1957 King Saud banned women from driving. This of course is not shariah as no cars existed in Muhammad's time. The reason given is that a properly dressed woman could not change a tyre, talk to traffic police or other drivers. Probably the main reason, however, is to control women's movements especially in the light of Wahabi obsession with female sexuality.

The King allowed in U S troops as part of a Training Mission on the proviso that it be free of Jews and that Christian ceremonies were forbidden. In 1962 there had been about thirty thousand slaves in Saudi Arabia but pressure by the United Nations eventually brought about the abolition of slavery, despite opposition by the fundamentalists. (They are now called housekeepers and are imported from impoverished Asian countries )
In 1965 the Wahhabis led a violent demonstration against the King's decision to set up a T V Service in the kingdom.

In 1966 the King was embarrassed by articles in the newspapers written by the Vice-President of the Islamic University of Medina. He had evidence that Copernican theory was being taught at Riyadh University. Three hundred years earlier the Christian theologians had to concede that the earth went around the sun and not vice versa!

The religious police (Mutawain) armed with batons searched homes for alcohol, smashing dolls, record players and movie projectors, beating the bare calves of European women, knocking cigarettes out of mouths of people smoking in public.

In 1967 the sale of Christmas trees was banned, segregation of the sexes at schools was set at age nine, which was the age for girls to start to wear the veil. The King was forced by the Wahhabis to sack the Minister of Information for "offensive" programs on the very much censored T V service: even Mickey Mouse could not give Minnie a little peck.

In July 1977 a Britisher with a miniature camera was able to take some photographs which shocked the world. He snapped the public execution in Jeddah of Princess Mishael bint Fahd bin Mohammed a young married, but separated, mother and her lover Khalid Muhallah. She was shot six times in the head while her lover was beheaded. (thank to the petrodollars all these photos are collected and have disappeared from  public)The photographs became part of the documentary, "Death of a Princess". The British ambassador became a "persona non Grata": countries which are authoritarian cannot seem to understand that the media in open societies have much more freedom than theirs.

During 1978 to 1980 all beauty parlors in Riyadh were closed to prevent, it was claimed, women from meeting potential lovers. In 1980 women university graduates were banned from going overseas for higher degrees: the probable reason was that they came back with dangerous ideas…….etc,etc,etc.

Whatever ones says of these Wahabies, it does not change the fact that they are the mother of all Salafists and terrorists across the globe and this statement means they finance all the Taliban schools in Asia and Europe, besides considering all non Wahabis as perverted and liable for death they are encouraged to act and commit despicable crimes in the name of Wahabism which they consider as Islam. The west despite of knowing these facts has decided to pit the finger at others and so deceive their own public so as not to jeopardize their highly lucrative business relations guaranteeing the reflux of their petrodollars into their economies. (which is understandable) but highly unfair towards the substituted accused….

To stop the existing terrorism, should the west finally decides to end its war games, is as follows…

The solution is dividing Saudi Arabia into 3 countries, one with a Shia majority that already forms one third of the existing population and are under extreme unfair social restrictions, the second country should be that of an administrative collective, managing the Islamic holy places and thirdly the rest of the population…. The day the western Think-Tanks learn to “Persise” their interests and world viewings, it’s the day they start to find solutions to all the global problems, starting with the Middle East.


Anonymous said…
Persise ???????

what is persise

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