Ghaher (Qaher) 313


Once again I could not find an English report explaining the new Iranian fighter Jet, so that I could share with you. It was as always predominantly nonsense originating from Israeli news agencies and some other Rupert Murdoch sources, whose concentration is firstly on mocking it all and secondly making sure nobody else dares make an authentic report.  It is as if a reporters credentials are dependent on making and giving their reports a certain taste of sarcasm by starting it with words like “allegedly” or “claiming” when they report on Iran. They (fearful reporters) then wait for their sponsors reactions and as expected jump on the baseless analysis of it all being false and cheats and propaganda.

I suggest everyone to doubt everything said and reported over Iran coming from the known corporate media (regardless of how established). There are enough independent sources available. (, after all times have changed.

Nevertheless, I have a Persian Video explaining some aspects of it, I shall upgrade as soon as I have a decent English version available.

(Above Photo is the 1:1 scale maquette for reporters and photographers, underneath is the actual thing in test flight)


Anonymous said…
looks bloody cool !

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