BBC & Jimmy Savile

BBC has never been one of my favorites; reasons have always been their pathetic anti-Iranianism.  Their lobbying to stop the Broadcasting of Press TV and other competitors in Europe is yet another legitimate reason to distrust this entity .Furthermore, following the recent BBC Pedoscandal we discover a new form of their politics of protectionism with regards to their pathological self-preservation…. Denying it all as long as it gets, and accepting the responsibility only when they have been run over by the facts……... The sad story of Jimmy Savile and how he has been given cover and protection for so many years might finally bring other peoples to the same conclusion of how manipulative, self righteous and untrustworthy the BBC as a news outlet actually is.


Anonymous said…
Please learn to differentiate between the BBC UK and BBC World.
BBC World is the one financed by the foreign ministry and the bad guy and not the BBC UK.

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