Vaccinating Egypt !

This once cradle of an unparalleled civilization, the land in which its scientists and mathematicians, its thinkers and inventors, used the through generations of incestuous intermarriages, genetically inferior Pharaohs and their manipulability, and made some of the longest-lasting, unique and enigmatic monuments, in the history of mankind. We should also not forget the Egyptian culture, after its Islamisation, which was not of lesser importance. Their Universities and philosophical centres were all magnets for all regional cultures and an inspiration for generations throughout centuries for peoples beyond its borders. Egypt’s ups and downs in history, have been fairly moderate, comparing it to other nations, one seems to get the impression that it all had its use for the Egyptian culture. The only deficit an observer might detect here is their inability to adopt positive and useful cultural features from their so-called cultural invaders, which due to its geo-political situation happened once in awhile. Ever since “Dariush the Great” built the Suez Canal (wantonly ignored by the western civilization, due to their anti Iranianism) Egypt became a strategically important country to control. Around 350BC when the Iranians began losing control of Egypt, its dilemma began, and as the Greeks jumped in to replace Iran, Egypt’s cultural diversity began to unfold and the rest is history.

The Egyptian social and cultural decline began in the twentieth century, with the British Empire in need of securing the Suez Canal for its forces in India and beyond started its political and military interferences. Later as Egypt in a national movement nationalized the Sues canal, the necessity of the implementation of a calculated cultural impoverishment was diagnosed, prescribed, and implemented by the superpower of the time. As a result, hopeless military defeats and constant humiliations by a newly established mini country (Israel) was enough to shock this once proud nation to give up. The game of occupations and embargoes went on and demanded more and more of Egypt’s soul for the land they had lost (Sinai) and finally they were only a shadow of themselves. Egypt today is interesting for their excavations (financed by foreigners) and museums, beach holidays for middle class Europeans and the barbaric Russian new rich. In the last 50 years the material and cultural impoverishment has reached a stage where Egypt has no real political weight anymore, their survival is on a daily basis, depending on the Western political mood. This once proud people of Egypt have become hungry, illiterate, cultural nomads and beggers, literally prostituting themselves for their daily bread, financed by the 2 billion annual aids Washington throws at Egypt in return for the long political silence regarding Israel’s regional policies. The coordinated western permissions for their citizens to spend their money in Egypt (as tourists) is another dimension that has made Egypt so dependant.

Astonishingly, the recent Egyptian unrest is not so much reflected in the western press as was the Iranian protests of June 2009.The Iranian protests were magnified into a monstrosity by the western press, but the Egyptian is apparently kept in a neat little frame not to make the impression of anything bigger than a protest. That could be a sign for us all to doubt its authenticity, since the only known opposition in Egypt is and was the “Moslem Brotherhood”. Something like the Palestinian “Hamas”,it is quite surprising to see the unrest being declared as one of unemployment and loan dissatisfactions and not for corruption and torture. One could claim, since the dead in this unrest are merely dead without names, meaning the west does not wish to add pressure to the situation and allow this controlled explosion to take its course. Keeping this in mind, lets set up a hypothesis, that this uprising is a generated one to replace Egypt’s ruling elite with that of a lets say “Elbaradai”, in this manner, they let a bit of social steam off and make sure of a transition without compromising or even jeopardizing Israel’s interests.( meaning no Iran friendly Government). Elbaradai is genuinely an honourable man, but after being in power, he shall see what Mobarak has done and realizes he would need a revolution to correct the damage. However, it will be too late then as the hierarchy and infrastructure of the old guard would have reshuffled back into position to carry on as before.


Anonymous said…
I do not believe your hypothesis. The Arab street revolution is leaderless, there is no way that the current status quo will survive. I see most of the Arab states will follow the Turkish model
Anonymous said…
I am also not sure about your thoughts on this

Anonymous said…
Its a regime change man. Go for it Egypt
Anonymous said…
Egyptians want the donkey (Mobarak) gone, yet the US/UK/Israel consider changing the saddle (Government).

The criteria of the authenticity of this Egyptian uprising can be verified depending how Iran friendly the next emerging Government of Egypt is. If pro Israel and anti Iran like this Mobarak regime, then rest assured, Egypt was as predicted by this site “stultified” and shepherded into it. Time will show and thank you for your comments.

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