Persian Gulf Forever...

The Arab neighbors of Iran,living south of our all beloved Persian Gulf, are known amongst Iranians to be too lazy and cowardly to even make statements when their other Arab brethren get invaded, occupied, raped, deformed and then reformed into a new degenerating form of a western ideal of an Arab, being made to believe to be rich in wisdom by letting them (new Arab ideals) to purchase selective Western Company shares of which almost all are at the brink of bankruptcy, thus bringing back into the western economies the Arab Oil Dollars.

The supposed success story of the UAE is the one big fat lie of our time. The Arabs are paying hundreds of millions to financial advisers of Britain and USA whom are without exception MI6 and CIA staffers, responsible for shepherding and juggling the oil dollars back home into the Western Banks. These so called advisers make sure the Arabs of the Persian Gulf region, only get the buildings that inevitably decay within the next 2 decades due to the aggressive sand and salt environment in return, thus pulverizing their once in a lifetime chance to grow for the future.

It does happen, that from time to time one of these reformed and reshaped Arab Princes, tired of their weekend Casino visits in London and Paris, suddenly realizes, the intensity of the screwing they have had to endure at the hands of their Western sponsors, teachers and allies. Their Western allies then,divert their clients so monotonous brain cells towards Iran instead, asking them to bark at Iran certain accusations, claiming Islands that are not theirs and provoking and upsetting their Persian neighbors by calling the ever "Persian Gulf" body of water some other names, promising them unequivocal support in their dispute.... etc etc etc.

One can not help but be astonished at the level of stupidity, but who knows!? may be the Arabs of Persian Gulf actually know the monumental screwing they are getting at the hands of the British and USA, but are simply too ashamed of rising up and changing course. Fact of the matter is that the 3 islands have been, are and shall be Iranian long before Arabs were allowed to form countries some 100 years ago and stay Iranian long after the newly formed mini states dissolve into new forms of whatever, not to mention the name of Persian Gulf.... underneath a soothing clip to enjoy.


Anonymous said…
A well written punch in the groin.

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