Israeli reaction to Obama

We all heard and were moved by the Obama speech in Cairo/Egypt. Some call it a clever move and some a silly one, The Republicans in the US accuse him of being too apologetic towards the Moslem's, the Democrats mean, the US can not apologize enough for Bush & Cheney. The Arab Governments pretend to be ravished, hoping for the pacification of their subjects that could eventually turn on their rulers for their humiliating inaction in their everyday dealings with the West (not to mention Gaza), and Iran wants above all a US that leaves the region, which leaves Iran to establish its preeminence.

The US has always been the financial, military and political sponsor of Israel and that is not a secret. Israel is the only country not affected by the global recession, and the reason for this is because Israel has no economy based on production, Israels economy is a welfare state, dependent upon very very generous state sponsored tax deductible donations from different economies of the world mainly USA and Germany, which does not stop flowing, even at this most troublesome times.

What exactly are the USA and Germany supporting and how grateful the people and youths of Israel are,is manifested in the clip underneath ....


The Video above keeps getting deleted (fourth time) and I kept finding it, this time I only found a fraction of that Video but still enough for you to realize what the original was all about..


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