The first step !

Upon the Iranian new year celebrations, President Obama, has taken the much anticipated first conciliatory step towards Iran, that is to say the belated reaction to Iran's congratulatory message to his Presidential victory. Nevertheless it was a fine message, very balanced and thought through. One should not underestimate the pressure he is under to prolong official animosities towards Iran through the very strong Israel lobby "AIPAC", but he seems to have pulled it off and then gone to California to appear in a talk show to firstly divert the national attention towards even more financial mismanagements and secondly to escape the republican upsurge because of the message, which was partly televised.

With this in mind, I hope Iran will construe this development properly and grasps this opportunity to make its case. The dangers of a war is not completely over, since Israel could target an American vessel in the Persian Gulf then have it blamed on Iran, to instigate a backlash, (they have done it before) or they might just start a smear campaign against President Obama, just like the Clinton/Lewinski affair to completely bog the administration down, we know they can do this and they have proven it often enough through their unequivocal influences in the press.

But lets be optimistic on this first day of spring, and wish all Iranians and non Iranians who value this ancient tradition of celebrating the renewal of nature a very blessed new year.


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