Republic, or Empire?

America faces a stark choice, one that no major candidate for the presidency has articulated, let alone faced: do you want an empire, or do you want your old republic back?

Seven years of constant warfare have taken their toll on your free and democratic institutions, as the power of the presidency has waxed and your own civil liberties have waned. The costs of empire, you are beginning to learn, are more than just losses on the battlefield: among the casualties may be your unique form of government and the very values you are supposedly fighting to preserve.

The Founders of the American nation feared militarism and its consequences, and for good reason. They saw how the European empire-builders abused not only their colonial subjects, but also their own citizens. The Founders resolved never to let that happen in America.

Yet it is happening.Vote OBAMA and make a difference, reclaim your stolen country from the criminal gang running it before its too late.



Anonymous said…
Your countries constantly struggle with war within your communties. Tackle those before you invite another.
Anonymous said…
I think the guy above has mixed up the countries.

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