
Showing posts from January, 2011

Vaccinating Egypt !

This once cradle of an unparalleled civilization, the land in which its scientists and mathematicians, its thinkers and inventors, used the through generations of incestuous intermarriages, genetically inferior Pharaohs and their manipulability, and made some of the longest-lasting, unique and enigmatic monuments, in the history of mankind. We should also not forget the Egyptian culture, after its Islamisation, which was not of lesser importance. Their Universities and philosophical centres were all magnets for all regional cultures and an inspiration for generations throughout centuries for peoples beyond its borders. Egypt’s ups and downs in history, have been fairly moderate, comparing it to other nations, one seems to get the impression that it all had its use for the Egyptian culture. The only deficit an observer might detect here is their inability to adopt positive and useful cultural features from their so-called cultural invaders, which due to its geo-political situation happ

Lebanon’s crisis simplified..

To understand what is going on in Lebanon now, imagine the following….......A major US politician had been assassinated, and his killers identified by the authorities, but then United Nations stepped in (at the instigation of, say, France and Israel) to nullify the verdict, and conduct its own investigation ….That’s exactly what has happened in Lebanon. Lebanon’s dilemma continues, despite of everything that might be going for it economically and Para-militarily since the USA will never allow their Military to posses anything bigger than a revolver, one could consider Lebanon more or less on its feet and strong enough to scare off the wolves in their region. As said militarily incapable of challenging it one seems to want to resort to dividing them and pushing their delicate social balance towards a new internal conflict. The old British solution for awkward countries of divide and rule seems to be hoping to achieve just that. The recent handing down of an indictment by the UN Tribunal

The Tea Party...

How big is the movement? Who are its leaders? It is truely a challenge putting them in a context. Can we compare the Tea Party to the ultra conservative anti-immigration platform of for example right wing movements of western Europe ? The relationship the rest of the world has with the United States, the questions everybody asks and the assumptions one makes often reveal a desire to affirm ones prejudices towards America and its people, the presumed lack of sophistication, or the reflexive jingoism. The Tea Party, seems however to be the inevitable last sign of confirmation that Americans are really as hopeless and simple minded as presumed all along. All these judgments are understandable and officially affirmed for eight years in the person of a President George W. Bush, and then relieved by President Barack Obama, who quickly became the object of international infatuation. Obama got in trouble with the Tea Party types for going to Europe as soon as elected “apologizing for America.&

The War Party

A look back at the who was who of the so called "war party", might just help understand the who is who of the "Tea party". Where the "Tea Party" actually might want to lead America lies in the understanding of the methods used by their political predecessors into coming to power, furthermore how they promoted their often dangerous and sometimes illegal agenda. The Tea party might have to be a bit more creative in inventing threats and facts since their predecessors used up all there was... to justify harsher laws to chain up the American society even more or start up one or two new wars to secure a certain flow of capital towards the American military industrial establishment, (Whose lobbyists are considered the best paying contributors). Whatever the case,take a look at this British Panorama report to refresh your memories and get a fresh taste of modern fascism.

Political Violence

New York’s mayor Rudolf Giuliani, former secretary of homeland security Tom Ridge, former White House homeland security adviser Frances Townsend and former attorney general Michael Mukasey Traveled to Paris to endorse the Mojahedin-e-Khalgh (MKO Peoples’ Mujahideen), an organization characterized as a Terrorist group by the US State Department. MKO has attacked US military and diplomatic personnel during the Shah era, and has been described by former members as a cult. Ideologically, the MKO started out as a Marxist group with an Islamic cover flavor to address the Iranian society,(former regime of Shah called them Islamic Marxists and after the revolution they were seen as Marxists selling their world viewing in the form of Islamic pills) but the neocons who have taken up its cause, had them moved to the other end of the political spectrum, they (MKO) offered itself up to the US government in much the same way as Ahmed Chalabi’s Iraqi National Congress (INC) did. MKO’s American supp

Some Predictions for 2011 !

Iraq pullout canceled , This will never be announced, but before long the media is bound to wake up and ask: whatever happened to the much-vaunted “withdrawal” from Iraq? Perhaps not in such a peremptory manner, but, nevertheless, the continuing, substantial US presence is already causing Prime Minister Maliki to press his American “allies” for a more definite day on which to schedule their going-away party, and the complete inability of his government to maintain its own territorial integrity, as well as ensure a minimal level of security and stability, is likely to motivate US policymakers to hedge their “withdrawal” plans. This will end in a mutual agreement – haggled over for months by the US and its Iraqi sock puppets, and finally firmly insisted on by the former – that the US presence is to be “temporarily” extended, although, of course, the “support mission” will remain ostensibly unchanged. Afghanistan “surge” Karazi out , The war in Afghanistan will take a new turn: yet anoth

Happy new year 2011 !
