Cry wolf ....again !

Israel, has declared to be organizing and orchestrating a massive coordinated anti Iranian campaign, starting from regular negative news flashes through their international mass media domain to picture Iran and Iranians as hazards to peace and civility... to Hollywood blockbusters in which Iranians are considered evil and ugly, thus preparing and habituating the world public opinion to a new bogeyman called Iran and furthermore a complete diversion of attention from the Israeli wrong doings in their occupied territories happening on a daily basis. The Israelis and their lobby are going to make it a precondition to IMF credit allocations to countries, to publish specially formulated declarations defaming Iran and Iranians at Israel's chosen moment, like Argentina and Poland lately had to do. The Israeli lobby shall further promote their agenda, through political blackmail,The so called "antisemitism" card always there to destroy or promote peoples or political careers. Thi...