A victim of politics ?

A flood of news headlines, covering Roxana Saberi's sentencing raises once again many issues that needs to be addressed . We all know, and I am absolutely certain that the Iranians know this too (have read it often enough on different blogs) that the process of sending Persian speaking women into hot zones like Afghanistan, Tajikistan and certainly Iran has been pursued by the US Intelligence communities as early as the second Clinton term, but the audacity and recklessness in which the Bush gang has been sending these women into the lions den is simply criminal, since without exception they are being sent either as members of humanitarian organizations or reporters. The intelligence communities in the US are paying handsome sums to these women and gives them cover in every sense of the word, all to get soft and often reliable informations on the ground from human resources that their professional members could never get their hands on. These gathered informations verifies or dismisses their already available information or intelligence as they put it. We also know that many Iranian American women refuse to engage themselves against their fatherland (Iran) and thus they are send into neighboring countries.
A piece of advice....
Those who are, working as freelancers across the world and are of Iranian origin, should know, how this thing usually works, once in Iran they ought to know that their every move is being observed.........should they get a contract from some news agency abroad or from TV news stations like Fox or BBC to interview some obscure figure somewhere, and are even given a short list of important issues to be asked of him or her, then you should be seriously alarmed, and should immediately know, you are on a mission that could cost you your freedom. This is something hat could have happened to Roxana Saberi (should the accusations against her be authentic and not of some political nature).
Those of us Iranians scattered across the world, should be very vigilant when approached by the host countries security services or advertisements on jobs that are simply too good to be true, when the only requirement is being literate in Persian or certain Persian dialects, you should know, that once in there and once you bought your house and pool (on credit), then you could or would never jeopardize what you have established for your family by refusing a request to travel to Iran and meet a manager for whatever matter. In case some of us craving for recognition, decide to join these communities, then I assure you, in the minds of the employer somebody that can betray his or her fatherland is from a psychological point of view a back stabber, thus not to be trusted in the first place, so your employers motto is simply absorb all they (you) have to offer and dump them when broken.......avoid it all by saying "No Thank You"