Truth? What is truth?

Perhaps the most important question ever to have been asked of a prophet, "Truth? What is truth?". Pontius Pilatus, was the prefect/satrap of Judea which was a part of the Roman Empire. Pilatus was responsible for Judea from the year AD26 till AD36, during which he had to make a decision that inevitably formed history into what we now know. In AD33, his predestined faitful encounter with Jesus of Nazareth, an event that eventually caught up with him personally a few years later. But by todays definitions and even by all recognized Christian Gospels, Pontius Pilatus, alongside his wife Claudia were no evil beings, but were people in position of power that were destined to make decisions, upon which the greater cause was supposed to be envisioned, regardless of their personal feelings and instincts, in this very case, keeping the peace and avoiding bloodshed, that could have cause much destruction to their protectorate was the reason, something expected of them as prefects. To better understand the issue, replace the Roman Empire with the United States of today as the world supper power, and compare the United States military presence, with that of the then Roman Empire in different countries and regions. Then imagine the religious leaders of these countries that could vary from Japanese, German, Saudi, Iraqi, Italian or countless other countries with US military presence, that vehemently insist on having a civilian persecuted and hanged.... What is there to be done ?? Pontius Pilatus was in exactly the same situation, and he tried very hard to dissuade the "Sanhedrin" of killing Jesus.
Jesus, was arrested by the "Sanhedrin", and questioned by them , and not by the Romans, the "Sanhedrin" used to be the assembly of 23 Jewish judges, (very much like todays administrative governments in federal systems) whose insistence to have Jesus killed was based on the assumption of Jesus questioning their moral authority and decadence, but not having the jurisdiction to actually execute anyone, they brought Jesus to Pontius Pilatus and claimed Jesus to be challenging the Roman Empire .(in those days punishable by death). Pontius Pilatus according to all known Gospels and scripts, resisted and even officially declared "I find in him no fault at all". Pilatus even shepherded this whole affair into the passover festivities in which people could use this occasion and request the release of a prisoner, even making it easy for them by giving them a convicted thief as alternative, all just to have the matter closed without having to kill Jesus as requested by the "Sanhedrin", but he was constantly cornered by this unforgiving, ruthless, decadent religious gang ("Sanhedrin") and their avid for power, manifested through a mixture of public manipulation and threatening the ruler of civil unrest.
Pontius Pilatus, demonstratively washed his hands with water in front of all, and declares " I am innocent of this man's blood" (to understand, imagine the dilemma of a Judge, in convicting a man to death because of the jury, while he knows, him to be innocent). May be Pontius Pilatus , should have stayed resolute and strong further resisting, but ultimately he was morally not responsible. Due to this very incident in history the phenomenon of " antisemitism" was born, its roots! the role of the Jewish "Sanhedrin" in the crucifixion of Jesus.
What happened to Pontius Pilatus ? Ironically the death of Jesus haunted him till his death, Emperor Tiberius , became ill and thus sent an envoy to Pilatus , asking him to send Jesus to Rome, for Tiberius had heard of his healing powers, but the envoy returns with the news of the Crucifixion and a handkerchief Jesus had supposedly touched, Tiberius was miraculously healed by the very handkerchief, yet angry at Pilatus, ordered him to be brought over to Rome for punishment. To make a long story short, Pontius Pilatus after a few attempts to rehabilitate himself in Rome, lastly killed himself avoiding a disgraceful death at the hands of Emperor Tiberius, (it was a custom in Rome) . His body is buried in Switzerland, near Lucerne, the Mountain nearby , bears the name "Mount Pilatus".