MMXII (2012)

The simplified version of the myth of 2012 predicts, that in "21.12.2012" due to the entry of planet "X" (dubbed by Hollywood) resp./planet "Nibiru"(dubbed in ancient Sumerian scripts) into the solar system, which happens in a 3600 year cycle, the earth will be subject to a massive magnetic field that causes unprecedented (biblical) floods, that will annihilate humanity or at least a very large proportion of our existing civilization.
The story above can only make sense if we could pinpoint "Planet X", but fact is an eccentric lady called "Nancy Lieder" who claimed to be talking to aliens made the above mentioned claim in her website to warn humanity. What Planet "X" in itself is concerned, there is only a planet Xena as the tenth planet , and Xena is just as big as Australia in size and has no capacity ever to cause the havoc propagated on Nancy Lieder's Homepage.... Planet "Nibiru" is yet to be discovered should it be anything other than Xena.( Nibiru is actually the name of a Babylonian God)
Fact is the year 2012 is actually a little bit special, because of the 26000 year cosmological cycle, in which our solar system will have concluded a complete circulation of the central sun of "Plejades" to which the Mayan civilization oriented their calender upon,(thanks to the christian- missionaries mostly destroyed ) the Mayan calender is called "Baktun" and consits of approximately 144000 days, we are now having the 13th "Baktun" and it shall be ending on 21.12.2009 . But what does it all mean ?.... to simplify this , consider the planets and the sun (solar system) due to their constant circulation, adjust themselves towards one another, and the sun will be situated at the middle of the milky way Galaxy, (this has been going on for millions of years and has happened before..) the only changes we as humans might be sensing is "Visual" which means what we see while looking above is a bit different, only our perspective will be changing and there will be neither extra gravity nor a pole shift ( also supposed to have happened in 05.05.2005) and certainly no toxic radiations threatening us.
This Galactic phenomenon is actually a "rebirth" and definitely not a doomsday. The Mayans celebrated this and so should we, our generation is expecting a very rare phenomenon and I know I am welcoming it. As usual there are the obligatory scaremongers and alarmists that might want to cash in on this (like some Hollywood apocalyptic movies) and we all know there are enough idiots that believe what happens on the silver screens, but staying reasonable and solving the existing problems of our all "Mother Earth" is more essential and important than chasing some doomsday scenario .
Bottom line is as always, " Do you want to believe" the doomsday scenario ?? in that case no arguments or explanations can convince you of the contrary, but why not see the glass half full, and consider the alternative theory, the Metaphysicians consider 2012 to be the year of great spiritual developments due to this cosmic event and thus humanity shall elevate itself to higher levels , as a result of which a new world order will emerge, wouldn't that be something to hope for ??