Cry wolf ....again !

Israel, has declared to be organizing and orchestrating a massive coordinated anti Iranian campaign, starting from regular negative news flashes through their international mass media domain to picture Iran and Iranians as hazards to peace and civility... to Hollywood blockbusters in which Iranians are considered evil and ugly, thus preparing and habituating the world public opinion to a new bogeyman called Iran and furthermore a complete diversion of attention from the Israeli wrong doings in their occupied territories happening on a daily basis. The Israelis and their lobby are going to make it a precondition to IMF credit allocations to countries, to publish specially formulated declarations defaming Iran and Iranians at Israel's chosen moment, like Argentina and Poland lately had to do. The Israeli lobby shall further promote their agenda, through political blackmail,The so called "antisemitism" card always there to destroy or promote peoples or political careers.
This method of political blackmail by having people cry wolf has always worked for the Israelis in getting their will through, Their most famous "cry wolf" had "Jesus" crucified and it kick started a very effective group oriented policy of political and physical assassinations. The normal hard working Jewish people who demonstratively distance themselves from Israeli politics are always the scapegoats and regularly fall victim to reactionaries and extremists, who consider themselves avenging Israeli narcissistic politics.
Ironically, these victims are also being used by the Israeli controlled news media, first by broadcasting a bogus and magnified, "Iran" wrongdoing and immediately in the same breath the news of the desecration of Jewish graves, by some European extremists. Psychologically, the audience adapts the one with the other and in their subconscious relate both issues, that way the audience who happen to be normal taxpaying , relevant individuals of the west, shall not feel the guilt they ought to feel when hearing of a genocide like "Gaza".
But why Iran ? because Iran is the only country that speaks out, and should you want to come up with the "wipe Israel off the map" argument, I correct your statement in "Wipe Zionism off the map" argument, because that is exactly what was said, just as a few years prior, the "Wipe apartheid off the map" was declared.
The talk was of regimes and policies but the cry wolf has had its effect already, and we in the west believe what the controlled media dictates us. We should not be surprised if Israel instigates yet another war or conflict to promote its agenda, playing the victim of prejudice and xenophobia,...yet again.