Mossad's Jundallah!
In a statement today (November 17, 2014 ) the group called “Jundallah”, a in Pakistan / Balochistan-based Sunni Islamist terror organization, announced that it is pledging loyalty to Daesh (ISIS), and will back “ Whatever plans they have” going forward. The move follows reports from the Associated Press last week that the group’s leadership was meeting with the Daesh (ISIS) members.

Jundallah was originally an ally of al-Qaeda, but had a falling out with them in 2003. The group then started getting funding from what they claimed were CIA agents, and there was ample evidence at the time that it was really the US funding them.
BUT! It did not turn out to be the case, however. Rather, Jundallah was being funded in US currency by men with US passports !....... who were actually Israeli spies, in what was seen as an attempt to frame the US for the backing of terror attacks inside Iran.
Foreign policy reported, Israel’s relationship with Jundallah continued to roil the Bush administration until the day it left office, and that it also ‘jeopardized’ US ties with Pakistan, another nation Jundallah was active in at the time.
Though Bush-era officials vowed to ‘take the gloves off’ with Israel over the incident, no public retaliation was even taken, which officials attributed to “political and bureaucratic inertia.” (….as expected)
Jundallah’s leadership at the time was captured by Iran, and was executed for committing terrorist attacks on Shi’ite mosques in Iranians Balochistan area. The size and numbers of the group, according to the ex-captive leader “Rigi” was no more than 250 members at its peak, but now it is anyone’s guess and by that we mean not to their benefit compared to what it was 5 years ago.
Still, their joining hands with Daesh (ISIS) gives Daesh (ISIS) a better profile in Pakistan, particularly in the Balochistan area, where reports are emerging from “JANG” of slogans in support of Daesh (ISIS) across the Pakistani Balochistan province, and that the October 13 report prepared by the Baluchistan home department and sent to the federal security agencies had claimed a significant increase in Daesh (ISIS) activity in Quetta and other parts of Balochistan.
Iran has a population of less than 2 Million citizens registered to have been born in the province of Baluchistan of which more than half live integrated across Iran. The rest are mostly the elder generation that traditionally try to avoid being associated with Pakistani separatists that insist on recruiting Persian speaking Iranian locals to give as their own, all to claim legitimacy when planting explosives or assassinating individuals (A school teacher killed recently! ) on behalf of Iran’s political and national enemies. (With thanks to Jason Ditz)