Wikihoax on Iran

Here are some of the supposed leaks on Iran, mixed with some true ones concerning other countries and their heads of states or controversial ministers (of course harmless ones), making it a bit problematic and that much harder for consumers of such information to "not" believe. Always remember,the most talked about issue amongst all heads of states without exception is and has been the mother of all conflicts (namely the Israeli & Palestinian conflict). Yet there is not a single word issued from anywhere or anyone, not even sworn enemies of one or the other states.... If that did not give you a reason to doubt then nothing else shall.
When something smells like a fish, swims like a fish, then it must be a fish.This Wikileaks business has been the target of an article by this site(Here)So needless to emphasize anymore about disbelieving the authenticity of the content of wikileaks concerning Iran. Nonetheless, here are the Iran related ones.
US Embassy Ottawa (2008).. The Canadian Government and the Embassy strongly welcome your visit and the opportunities it will afford to advance our broad bilateral relationship Read more here
US Embassy Paris (2007) ..Foreign policy has not and probably will not play a prominent role in the French presidential election
campaign,Read more here
US Embassy London (2008)..Conservative party leader David Cameron told Senator John McCain the Tories won’t break ranks with HMG on policies Read more here
US Embassy London (2009)..During a December 9 meeting with the Ambassador, Shadow Secretary of State for Defense Liam Fox affirmed his desire to work Read more here
US Embassy Islamabad (2007)..Musharraf noted that he and many Middle Eastern leaders were worried that a premature pull-out of U.S. and coalition forces from Iraq would spread sectarian strife throughout the Gulf region.Read more here
US Embassy Paris (2007)..Foreign policy played only a negligible
role in the presidential election campaign that concluded May
6, and Sarkozy has relatively little experience Read more here
US Embassy Paris (2007)..he Nicolas Sarkozy who arrives in Washington November 6 is in robust political health. He completely dominates the politics of France.Read more here
US Embassy London (2009)..Under Secretary Tauscher held meetings in London on September 2-4 on the margins of the P5 Conference on Confidence Building Measures Towards Nuclear DisarmamentRead more here
By clicking -->Here you will be able to read them all in case interested.
Incidentally all in accordance with US foreign policy.
I don't believe it either.
should I find and be able to trace it again would certainly change and optimze the links for you.
Iran must this and that / Iran is this and that / Iran was this and that / Iran bla bla bla
Always the same sort of one way declarations to make it stick as truth by countlessly repeating the same untrue.
This is not authentic, this is rightfuly declared as an anti Iran hoax
I think they must have realized how silly it all looks like and taken it down.
Dariush London
For a direct link.(save it before it goes down)
There are DNS issues involved. Use the above link for direct access, but to see the Iran related links you will have to seach yourselves or wait until links restored.
If anyone out there still has not understood the mentality of an "ARAB"
then ,I dunno...
I think you must have had some other article on your mind while writting your comment.
Double check your anon comments!
In that case plz address them directly ..
@ anon (12:30 PM)...
Thank you for your comments
Its is a biiig lie mixed with some recognizable truth to confuse.
They are immunizing the nations against a massive war or changes ahead.
Iran is an important part of these intentions.
Dariush London