Purim !

Recently Benjamin Natanyaho, the Israeli Prime minster visited President Obama of the US. He took with him as a present, “The Book Of Esther” (A part of the Hebrew Bible). This was to motivate the US President to preemptively attack and kill all what is Iranian and as many Iranians he possibly can, furthermore he (Obama) should consider it biblically blessed and certified, because it has happened before. The feast of “Purim” bears witness to it and for those of you who simply pass and neglect such sick gestures,here is some background info on this move, and why this State terrorist (Natanyahoo) wants a holocaust on the Iranians.
The story of “Purim” is about Esther who lied her way (hiding her identity) into the Persian Kings (Khashayar) bed….to convince the Persian King to act against his own Prime Minister “Haman”. Asking the King to Kill the Prime Minister and all the soldiers under command (75 000 of them). In the Book of Esther is claimed that Jews grabbed Haman and Hanged him, then killed all of his 10 children and finally butchered 75 000 Iranian soldiers in their sleep. (Claim was avoiding a Jewish massacre supposedly planned by the Persian army)
The story claimed in this book of Esther, is celebrated through an orgy of festivities. Alone considering the reason for this celebration can be judged as an act of uncivilized decadence. By reading the story in that book,one can only come to the one inevitable conclusions,an attempted cover up. For one it is all uncharacteristic of Persians/Iranians in history (specially considering Cyrus the Great mercy and liberation of the Jews a few years prior) …..On the contrary, it sounds and looks like a well documented justification of an unjustifiable massacre unparalleled in history (till then).
Masterminded and committed by a Jew to further and promote his personal ambitions, his name.. Mordechai son of Jair from the tribe of Benjamin. He was the so called guardian and cousin of an orphaned Esther whom he shamelessly pimped through lies and deception into becoming the Kings wife… (having divorced and denounced his real wife for supposedly refusing to strip dance for his guests)…...Mordechai later claimed to have overheard an assassination plot on the King life by some (probably adversaries) and had them hanged, thus generating trust and gratitude. But Haman the Prime Minister of Khashayar finds out and investigates about Mordechai ,apparantly initiating panic by the two and that was enough to have Esther (the present young wife) claiming in one of her pillow talks that Haman to be planing to kill her.(remember their heritage was considered a secret and their presence in those positions illegal).
The King (as claimed in the book of Esther) gives Esther free hand to write a decree against Haman his own Prime Minister, but those two (Esther and Mordechai) not only wrote and sealed Haman’s fate but also his ten innocent children and 75 000 Iranian soldiers across the empire. This was (claimed in the Book) justified as a preemptive measure to save the Jews from Haman and his supposed plan of massacring the Jews .This happened on the 13th of Farwardin (Persian first month of spring) the day which Iranians traditionally consider as a cursed day so they try spend it in the open. (This could well be the motive behind this day!).
One can imagine playing the usual card of "Victim of prejudice" and "antisemitism" is not a new phenomenon and certainly part of the jewish general culture, but this particular case build against Iran and the Persian culture is an unforgivable cowardice which is even celebrated in the most decadent manner. To understand the cult behind this feast, imagine the Nazis celebrating the “November pogrom 1938” or the Americans celebrate the 6th of August 1945 (Hiroshima) or other identical inhuman facts in history which nations might remember but never celebrate...with drunken dance orgies and festivities beyond sense and sensibility.. .. well, that is exactly what the Purim Feast is all about. The Purim feast is the very emphasis of a religious group insisting a "wrong" (mass murder) to be rightful and the will of God with irrational and eccentric behavior. Now a new state terrorist called Mordechai.. oh sorry… Natanyaho wants the repeat of this with the very same arguments and tricks.
Here some photos;

Dariush London
Thank you for your cautious yet very unique analysis.
for your attention