The alternative story of Bin Laden’s end!

When you read the different reports of the heroic and Bollywood, sorry Hollywood like killing of “bin Laden”, then one cannot help oneself but roll the eyes and scuff “yet again”. This time however, the whole episode seems to be containing the necessary elements implying certain seriousness in finally wanting to close the chapter on Bin Laden. Until now, his uncertain fate helped get very controversial laws passed in almost all elected houses. Any resistances towards sometimes draconian security amendments were considered risky and those pursuing a resistance were stamped as Bin Laden lovers and anti-Americans. A known phenomenon regarding any criticism of Israel is followed by a systematic media frenzy of calling the poor daredevil an anti-Semite. However their unbelievably clumsy handling of this affair can only be considered “militarily induced dyslexia”.
As Long as we all remember, any Rebel…Outlaw or Terrorist that has ever been hunted down, arrested or killed, have without exception been demonstratively shown to be approved by the free and not so free press. Revolutionaries such as Zapata and Che Guevara, villains like Dillinger and other gangsters or even Dictators and their extended families like Chauchesku and Saddam Hussein…. in the latter’s case even the bodies of his children and son in law were presented to eliminate any doubts whatsoever. Yet when it came to Bin Laden! The rule seems to have suddenly changed. However the whole obscurity and lack of real information on him did keep societies and civil governments on their toes and enabled them to get rid or at least freeze some of the constitutional rights of their respective societies. The anti-terror laws passed included unadulterated surveillance of their subjects in every possible aspect, the likes of collecting and saving data starting from flight, right down to all Bank transactions across the financial world. Other words, one could not conduct a simple tanking without big brother not knowing. All the stories of Special Forces and Seals and super-secret elite forces, where a President watches a video and photographed to impress the mob are secondary to divert the attention from a vital question…Of why only a few hours after his killing, he was thrown into the sea.
The only explanation one can possibly have is the fact that it was all a masquerade to officially and publically close a book that should have been closed years ago. One can well imagine the following as the real chain of events;
Bin Laden either died or was eliminated a few years aback, his body buried somewhere (whereabouts unknown), the biggest secret and quest was the 100% assurance of his demise, so this so called operation was actually a hunt for the remains. All the tracking, hunting and intelligence work was to find the grave and dig out the remains. This solvable task was finally fulfilled by finding his wife and family which inevitably led to his grave. The recently announced operation "Geronimo" was the typical smokescreen needed to announce the closure.Those killed were probably all small fishes who could have actually been taken out with a drone. The OBL remains were positively tested months ago and probably thrown into the sea for understandable reasons. A headless body of a poor nobody was thrown into the Arabian Sea by Sailors giving the Sailors something to remember, in a few years they would swear it was him and sell the book rights and get rich. What is now left is the audacity with which this whole masquerade was presented! Any raised question regarding the details will be answered with a deficiency in reporting or admitting a wrong doing...particular aspects of the story will be corrected, like the "was he actually armed or not"… admitting blame to confirm us as clever, thus confuse us and the third party in doubting and questioning the truthfulness of the actual event.
As long as there are discussions over details of a story, then noone questions the authenticity.. …Don’t take my word for it.. ..Make your own thoughts.