Lebanon’s crisis simplified..

To understand what is going on in Lebanon now, imagine the following….......A major US politician had been assassinated, and his killers identified by the authorities, but then United Nations stepped in (at the instigation of, say, France and Israel) to nullify the verdict, and conduct its own investigation ….That’s exactly what has happened in Lebanon.
Lebanon’s dilemma continues, despite of everything that might be going for it economically and Para-militarily since the USA will never allow their Military to posses anything bigger than a revolver, one could consider Lebanon more or less on its feet and strong enough to scare off the wolves in their region. As said militarily incapable of challenging it one seems to want to resort to dividing them and pushing their delicate social balance towards a new internal conflict. The old British solution for awkward countries of divide and rule seems to be hoping to achieve just that.
The recent handing down of an indictment by the UN Tribunal investigating the assassination of Lebanese politician and businessman Rafiq Hariri. The indictment is expected to name Hezbollah, Lebanon’s Shi’ite political party, as the culprit – this in spite of voluminous evidence to the contrary, including a surveillance video and DNA testing that points to one Abu Adas, a Lebanese Palestinian convert to Wahhabism, who claimed responsibility for the deed in the name of an al-Qaeda affiliate.
US and Israeli officials have a theory that blames both Hezbollah and the Syrians for Hariri’s death. Their theory is based on the premise that the Lebanese leader was killed by a bomb hidden in a previously-unknown underground tunnel, which was detonated by remote control once Hariri’s car reached the appointed spot. The problem with this theory, however, is that no such tunnel exists, or has ever existed. Furthermore, it seems clear from the physical evidence that the assassination was carried out by a suicide bomber, not a remotely controlled explosive device. These Tribunal officials have told the Lebanese not to indulge in “rumors” as to the contents of the indictment, which will remain sealed for months until a Belgian judge decides if the case can proceed, there is little doubt as to what it contains. Rejecting the conclusion of the Lebanese government that Hariri was murdered by al-Qaeda, which would have subsequently denounced Hariri as a “Saudi puppet,” the UN Tribunal was constituted to come to one and only one conclusion: Syria and Hezbollah were behind the killing, not even daring to consider Israel as a suspect.
The strategy of the US and Israel is to keep the Lebanese at the edge, preventing the creation of a government of national unity and creating a power vacuum where there might be a countervailing force against Israel. Tel Aviv has sent its troops into Lebanon 3 times since 1978, with US backing. A weak and divided Lebanon presents no obstacle to the expansionist designs of some newly emerging extremist Israeli politicians, who can count on unconditional US support for their incomprehensible dreams of an unaccomplishable Israel, no matter what the cost to US interests and prestige in the region. Not to forget the US-Israeli strategy of sucking the Iranians into a proxy war by pushing the UN against the Hezbollah, probably hopping to avenge the humiliating ass kicking they suffered in 2006.
Even if everyone is advised not to speculate, and wait and see, since it is all sealed and nobody knows for sure, it is then enough to listen to Hillary Clinton's statement in support of it. The first rule of engagement in that region is as always, where Israel and its adversaries are involved, never ever count or build your castles on US impartiality. They know exactly what is coming and what is coming is compatible towards Israeli interests.
Praise to Jumblatt for having the courage to change sides at this critical moment in time.