New Minister of Foreign Affairs

Iran’s President dismissed Dr. Manouchehr Mottaki for reasons not quite yet known to the public and probably will be considered (as always) a 5 to 12 issue by the "Western Press" who will undoubtedly bore the world over with speculations of internal fighting and imminent disintegration of regimes, countries and continents. Furthermore, Ahmadinejad appointed a Dr A.A. Salehi in an acting capacity. Mottaki has been the Foreign Minister of Iran since 24 August 2005. He was the only Minister who was not replaced in Ahmadinejad's Cabinet after Ahmadinejad's reelection. Salehi will be Acting Minister of Foreign Affairs until Ahmadinejad nominates a person to the Iranian Parliament for approval.(has 6 months time )
Dr. A.A.Salehi is an Iranian politician, diplomat and academic and the current acting Minister of foreign affairs (13 December 2010). He is also the Head of Atomic Energy Organization of Iran since 16 July 2009. He was Iranian Representative in the IAEA from 1997 to 2005. He was born on 7 July 1949 in Karbala, Iraq when his family was in Iraq for a religious visit. He has a BSs from the American University of Beirut and a Ph.D from the M.I.T. in Massachusetts, which he earned in 1977. He was also Associate Professor and Chancellor of Sharif University of Technology and a member of the Academy of Science of Iran and the “International centre for Theoretical Physics in Italy”.
The immediate difference that strikes the eye is Dr Salehis eloquence and his far better English , a feature much needed to avoid the necessity for translators that never seem to get the issues properly over and have so far resulted in “Iran not having gays” or worse “Israel to have been wiped off the map”. Both deliberate mistakes committed to scare and trivialize.
Whatever the case here is an interview with “aljazeera” to get an idea.
Not offensive enough.
Iran must be doing something right to be having such dedicated enemies in America.