Tactical immunization

The classical definition of democracy is “a form of Government in which governing power is derived from the people, either by direct referendum or by means of elected representatives of the people” but try asking individuals on the streets of different western democracies regardless of them being new democracies or old ones, none would or could give you a unified or half decent definition. In the last 10 years, better said as of the 9/11 events, now authentic or induced, certain political streams based invariably in different Western democracies owing all they know and posses to the very Western democracies they live in yet, ruthlessly busy remodeling and re defying these democracies only to secure their economical and political interests. Generating fears amongst populations by bombarding them with 24 hour multidimensional reporting systems using their since the 80’s as corporate overtaken and managed news outlets. Freedoms of expression was slowly shepherded into a one sided propagandistic message, critics suddenly becoming unpatriotic and subsequently a traitor, and etc etc etc…
The started wars gave the necessary leverage to justify emergency measures such as declaring countries and political systems as illegitimate, blackmailing countries dancing out of line into order by denying them the markets to their stagnating products and as the going got tougher,specially in the last twelve months, the religions of civilizations have become the targets of blame and if we take a few steps aback and view the whole picture, we observe an unequivocal minority bashing taking place in different older Western democracies. The US pattern of social prejudiality was predictable with their TV reports eloquently presenting and declaring non issues into a national crisis and in this case the Islamic center near ground zero, a guaranteed must by the US constitution became a 70% must/may not issue. The Europeans, whom we all hoped in vain to have learned its lesson from the 1930’s and 40’s not to mention the Yugoslavian religiously motivated religious cleansing, decided to tolerate a mass deportation of gypsies, a blatant act of antiziganism (ironically ordered by a President who himself is an emigrated Hungarian Jew) and then the Hollander reflected their unhappiness over their own social decadence by electing the biggest known jerk (Geert Wilders) ever to have entered Netherlands political scenery into their small yet important parliament. The Germans on the other hand have started to demand a complete halt for emigrants with Islamic backgrounds and claiming the unwillingness of 10% of those already there to integrate in their society as a reason. There are other examples but we wont go into it to save time and avoid nausea.
To understand what is happening and what the actual reason for all this coordinated media supported political turnarounds are, we only need to observe who is benefiting. In the Iranian culture we have idioms as old as history explaining and simplifying such issues, and one of them states, when two main characters/countries/religions fight the third “whatever” always benefits socially and politically. When we take this simple equation and multiply it into our social infinity and take it into the depth of our contemporary political eternities, we get a simple result, “The Anglo Zionist establishment”….. they, with all their media powers and financial tools pressuring lawmakers into passing regulations and laws, backed up by guided media propaganda, capable of having people sent to jail for doubting the holocaust and etc etc etc.... so we conclude generating a few discussions/debates here and there not to be much of a challenge for them. At the same time preoccupying traditionally very liberal public opinions into an anti Middle Eastern debate would be considered a welcome mindset. The lobby as they are generally called seems finally to have reached a conclusion that there is to be no cure for western antisemitism, realizing the normalities in ties are mostly based on “fear” rather than genuine acceptance of Jews as equal so the plan changed. The effort now is to generate and redirect the same kind of sentiments towards an old enemy… the Islam.
Hypothesis is if a war mongering and notoriously trigger happy nation, irrecoverably dependent on western public opinion for the above mentioned reasons of curing the west of its antisemitism, plans a new and bloody conflict that would knowingly drag almost everyone into it, then immunizing and vaccinating the liberal western nations whose help and assistance would be needed could actually be a good reason to understand the debates and developments in the west regarding their sudden “Islamophobia”. Until now before every military conflict initiated by Israel, the Western TV stations and news outlets under the control of a “Rupert Murdoch” would broadcast all there was about the holocaust in details and the roles of nations and churches to immunize them with guilt for a few months, enough to miss a few targets and be given the benefit of the doubt and political cover when a school or a family house was hit, but now considering the scale of this maneuver, one can only foresee a massive war, may be and we hope not, an adventurous and high stakes war with Iran?