
There is an interesting and hugely disturbing documentary made by Mercury Media called This is my land Hebron.
It is a film made by Jews over another group of Jews who are holding a very large group of Palestinians hostage in Hebron (Israel/Palestine). This particular group of no more than 500 excessively fanatical and fascistic Jews claim that Hebron is the birthplace of the Jewish faith and is therefore rightfully theirs as God supposedly have said so. The Israeli government expectedly lets them hold over 120.000 Palestinians hostage. They (Israeli soldiers) close off street, shut shops and drive families from their homes under the guise of national security. These Israeli soldiers are officially there to make sure both the Jewish settlers and the Palestinian inhabitants come to no harm, but unofficially they let the settlers do what they want - throw stones at schoolchildren, prevent farmers from harvesting their crops, beat up kids, calls people Nazis and etc. The most disturbing thing these religious extremists do is spray paint slogans such as “Gas all Arabs, Arabs to the gas chambers” while they call them “Nazis” the next minute for blocking their path and preventing them from going about God’s business. The rest of Israel and the world turns the other way because they don’t want to be called “Anti-Semites” and there lies the real power of the Jewish extremist. He or she will first start about national security and if that holds no ground for what they are doing they bring up the Holocaust. So, before you start calling the likes of Israeli critiquers unimaginative things such as a fascist, Nazi or Anti-Semite, we suggest you check out the film embedded underneath for yourself and listen to what Jewish journalists, politicians and former army commanders in Hebron have to say about it and then maybe you would hit others with something a little more creative. We all know there are extremists everywhere and on every side, but this is about the fundamentalist Jewish movement the west hardly ever gets to read or hear about, and who are just as bad if not worse because without a care in the world they trample on the horrors done to their forefathers with their actions and behavior. As history has proven time and time again, these kinds of inhuman actions, always comes back and haunts the perpetrators without exception and regardless of how strong and untouchable they might consider themselves to be. One can distinctly see the Israeli people having to cope with these atrocities in the future and it is inevitable that the (Israeli people) will eventually have to come up with their version of “Wir haben es nicht gewusst” (we did not know) .
Don’t take anybodies word for this, make your own research and make up your own minds You don’t have to make your opinion public… only know what to vote for next time you go to the ballot box.