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Tony Blair, one of the famous “Arses of Evil” members has written a book, probably petitioning understanding and in secret hoping for salvation. Some say, that’s why he converted to catholicism after leaving office, hoping to wipe off his ruinous wars caused by his unprecedented weakness in saying “NO”, by a few dozen “Ava Maria”s. He defended not only a historic war mongering jerk like G.Bush as courageous, but also attacked his successor Gordon Brown, who despite of his typical dry personality, did managed to bring back some “serious”aura into the British PM office. Gordon Brown’s first step was, as we all remember, going to the US and telling Bush of the end of the honey moon. Tony Blair further more touched on his alcoholicism while in office which probably was an important contributing factor to Cherie's last pregnancy. That not enough, after one reads that passage about Iran, experiencing a violent fit of laughter is inevitable, specially at the point where he claims to have turned Iran into rubble if he were still the PM, we only need to remember how lost and helpless he reacted after the British sailors were captured by the Iranian forces.
Conclusion : The book is a waste of money and time.

Tilo Sarrazin, is a German “Bundesbank” big shot, who seems to have had too much time to think. The man who happens to also be a member of the political party “SPD”wrote a book about his fears of Germany’s decline within the next 100 years. Him being a man of numbers, used his know-how in statistics and selectively chose certain numerical patterns to prove German society to be getting more and more stupid by the years, pointing his fingers at the Muslims as the cause of this “evil” whose reproduction rate (putting it mildly) apparently exceeds that of the Germans, Mr Sarrazin fears this fact, to be the end of Germany and regrets nobody will be around to recite Goethe in a 100 years. That not enough, he talks about genetic features of races and peoples…..what can one say… “OUCH”, That was enough to have him fired from his post at the Bank, since that reminded everyone of the “Third Reich” theories. Mr Sarrazin’s opinions are actually very popular amongst ordinary citizens, in fact 90% agree with him. Reading it does make sense though, but only if you decide to believe the statistics, in the meantime his numbers and statistics were refuted by different institutes in Germany. Apart from that, it is now known he used very old data bases for his calculations, that alone changes the whole basics of which he laid his arguments upon. The most important critique though is the manner in which it elaborates problems, it rightfully wakes fears of this book one day becoming a new template for future gas chambers, like once “Mein Kampf” became.
Conclusion : The book is a mayfly thing, will be forgotten as soon as Mr. Sarrazin is socially buried.

Carla Bruni, is presently the wife of the French President (Sarkozy). Mrs. Sarkozy has recently decided to defend a convicted murderer in Iran Called “Mrs. Ashtiani” whom also was accused of adultery and consequently stoning. Her stoning was put on hold, because according to the Iranian adultery law, there has to be four “just” witnesses who actually observed the sexual act “live” meaning in the middle of the act, four people or more pour into the room and register the act. That is next to impossible to come by, and that is the reason for the rarity of stoning in Iran. Considering the fact above, one can conclude that much of the accusations regarding Iran’s human right violations like stonings, are politically motivated nonsense, almost always propagated by the MKO, an Iraqi based Iranian terrorist sect, whose leaders happen to reside in Paris. Mrs Cala Bruni/Sarkozy might not have known the whole truth, and her defense of Mrs Ashtiani was more in accordance with her understanding of her own lifestyle than the knowledge of Mrs Ashtiani being convicted of murder. Regarding the Iranian newspaper articles, Carla Bruni’s interview in 2006 claiming to have had 15-16 official boyfriends, and upon being asked about the unofficial ones, she simply is said to have winked. Furthermore, Mrs Sarkozy’s past regarding recently uncovered material, giving sex tips to others (see you tube) and the manner in which her own marriage to the French President came into being, seems to have made her an easy target for the Iranian press. There really should be no hard feelings, one does not remember “Ahmadinejads” name in a European paper without him being insulted.. if they (Iranians) can tolerate this, so should the Western Press.
Conclusion: The Iranian press admittedly,did not call Carla Bruni a “Prostitute” they actually called her a “Slut”. Had they known better,they would have called her a modern wanna be Madame de Pompadour….one should really wish and advice her to keep shopping for shoes and really be staying out of politics…….. Savy!!
finally somebody tells it
stoning is in the law but not practiced because of the impossibility in creating the conditions
Iam iranian and have not seen it take place. what is being said in the west about iran in the west is bullshit and mostly spread for propaganda reasosn.
i suppose his WMD stories and the one million who have suffered ever since.
get cancer and dye tony blair.
Dariush London
Otherwise it will implode and something like Yogoslavia could happen.