H.A.A.R.P Simplified

H.A.A.R.P (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program) is a fancy name for a project that has to some opinion developed itself into a weapon of mass destruction, without the smoking gun, so to say. Enough reason to take a simplified look at it, by leaving out the usual unnecessary word play that is supposed to intimidate and see what and how it actually works. This project was initially a joint effort from the US air force and the US navy, plan was to build large transmitters for bettering their communication technology by generating and experimenting with radio frequencies, so large antennas were needed since it would have needed a very large area to build and experiment,Alaska was chosen.
At the beginning there were 48 antennas, around 22 Meters high and wide crossed poles on them, by 2005 there were around 180 antennas and when the project is complete, there will be around 360. The idea might have been totally different at the beginning, but it has now developed itself into something totally different. These radio frequency generators (which is what they actually are)concentrate and focus the frequency energy in a much different way than we all know and understand radio frequencies to function. The so called “Earth Penetrating Tomography” is a dimension of this experiment that needs extra attention. It works by sending a signal (Radio Frequency) up into the Ionosphere (upper layers of the atmosphere), which by hitting it will cause that layer (48 kilometers above) to vibrate in accordance and harmony with the waves on the ground and thus turning that layer into a huge broadcast antenna.
The signal (frequency)then bounces back and hits locations predestined by having previously chosen specific areas of the Ionosphere to start with, penetrating different layers of the Earth with an extremely low frequency (ELF) signal,this procedure is called by some, “Earth Penetrating Tomography” other words X-Raying the earth. The official explanation for this is identifying mines and underground facilities, minerals, shelters and the like. However the side affects of this technology is according to freelance scientists unequivocal "natural disasters".
The main concern of the idea of sending energy to a certain point then harmonizing it and causing it to become more than the sum of the total is one issue, but the chain reaction caused by these experiments with energy concentrations is another problem and by some definition the main concern of many scientists. To simplify their concern, geophysical events like Volcanic eruptions, earth quake and floods that could already be on the edge would suddenly overload as these harmonized concentrated low wave energy concentration hits it. Others fear abusing this technology and using it to manipulate and generate disasters for political and military reasons, in fact it was William Cohen that talked of these natural disasters as weapons of mass destruction and the idea of generating artificial earthquakes to cause it. All we have to do is to look at the latest natural disasters and the magnitude in which they have unfolded, unprecedented in history.... make your own thoughts.
Underneath, a little clip.